Chapter Forty-Six

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After everyone congratulated me, I heard an announcement on the PA system “CODE RED in room 312, Repeat CODE RED in room 312.” After I heard that, I ran to my wife’s room, as that was where she was. When I got there, all the doctors and nurses where in her room, I didn’t understand what was going on. As soon as a nurse saw me, she told me to get out of the room. However, before she did I notice there was blood everywhere and Bella looked so pale, and it didn’t look like she was breathing. I told the nurse that was my wife. Several of the nurses told me to get out, after I refused to go, but they had some male nurses take me of the room.

The nurses made me wait outside her door room; they didn’t make me leave the floor. After what seemed liked days, but in reality it was two hours, and many nurses leaving Isabella’s room the doctor finally came out of the room. “Mr. Marino, I am Dr. Charles Grey, I have been working on you wife for the past two and a half hours. I lost her several times, but I was finally able to get her back. It seems that someone poisoned your wife sir. Unfortunately, the poison they used has caused many problems for your wife. I am sorry to tell you this but your wife will never be able to have kids again.  We had to do a complete hysterectomy, as the poison caused a lot of hemorrhaging. However, the next twenty four hours are crucial for us to monitor your wife as we do not know what else this sick person could have caused. If you have any question please feel free to ask.”

“So is my wife ok now? And do we know who did this to her.” “Well as of right now she is, as I said we will monitor her for the next twenty-four hours, but she seems well. We have her hooked up to blood, as well as other fluids.” “Thank you doctor, can I see my wife yet?” “Well we are going to move her to a different room, and then in about an hour you will be able to go see her, right now she is sleeping. I know what she just delivered so how about you go see you baby, and the nurses will take you to her room. Another thing, she will not be able to breast feed the baby.”

With that said, the doctor said his goodbyes then left. Zachary was upset that he couldn’t see his wife, but he was so glade that she had not died. He didn’t know what he would have done without her.  However, he decided that the best thing to do would take his wife and baby to Italy, as he wouldn’t have to worry about anyone hurting either one of them there.

After the doctor left, Zachary went to the waiting area, since all of his men where there as well as Isabella’s family he knew that they would all track down who ever tried to kill his wife. He told everyone what happened and sent them on their way to find the women how tried to kill Isabella. They would take her back to the hotel until Zachary was able to deal with her. However, he told everyone that no one was to know that his wife survived it, and that he was going to be speaking with the nurses and doctors telling them that it was to look as if Isabella died.

After Zachary told everyone and they were doing their jobs, he headed to the nurse. He wanted to see his daughter. When he got there she was crying so the nurse told him that he could feed her. So she helped Zach feed his daughter. A few hours later, after the baby had feed, been burped and even had a new diaper on Zachary went to the head nurse and to Doctor Grey.

“Sir, Ma’am, I am sure you know who I am. Well I want everyone to believe that my wife is dead. That way I can figure out what is going on. I want it to look as if she died in that room. You can put her under a new name, I really don’t care. But make sure it is done.” Both doctor and the nurse told him fine, and did as he said.

Zachary headed back to the nursery to wait with his daughter to see her mommy. After thirty minutes the nurse took the baby, as well as Zachary to a new room. She told him that if he or Isabella needed anything let her know. He thanked her and watched her leave the room. Isabella was awake and asked “Darling what is going on, where is our daughter?”

“Oh my sweet, sweet wife, someone tried to poison you, but the doctors were able to save you. However, our sweet daughter is the only child we will ever be able to have. The poison did some damage that made you bleed a lot, so they had to do a hysterectomy on you. I am so sorry baby.” “It is fine, all that matters is that I am alive and I will get to see our daughter grow up. And we can always adopt a baby or whatever.” With that Zachary, gave his wife their daughter to hold. However, they didn’t have a name just yet so they just called her bug.

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