Chapter 37 : Love Against All Odds

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May 14th, X524 (11 AM)
Mayor House, IceFlask city

Going to IceFlask downtown for shopping was enjoyable, but not when her companion was a boring blond-haired prince. First, she had to restrain herself from entering one shop after another. Second, she felt bad spending His Highness's money. And last, walking side by a side with a handsome guy gained a lot of attention from others.

"Are you ever going to buy something or are we just continue walking like this?" the dragon slayer sighed, breaking their silence after walking for ten minutes.

"I don't know what to buy," Lucy replied.

"Clothes? Face paint? Spirit keys?"

"No, I have plenty of clothes and cosmetics in the manor. As for celestial keys. I got five new ones but still haven't made a contract with them, so no."

"Are you just telling the truth or you're using your new keys as an excuse or you are just avoiding spending my money?"

"Your Highness, have I done something to upset you?"

"You brought me here but you buy nothing yet."

"In this case, Your Highness, you volunteer yourself to tag along with me," Lucy answered back quickly, "I can go alone, you know," she whispered.

"You wish!" Laxus raised his voiced and looked at her, "I don't want my so-called princess consort being attacked by dark mages when she was in downtown."

Lucy looked around to see any sign of dark mages, "They're not here." She saw a restaurant, a cloth shop, and a metal shop on her left side. There were a small dessert shop, a pet shop, and an inn at her right. She smiled innocently, "I want something else," and then she ran toward the pet shop.

"So, fate couldn't be avoided," Laxus whispered before following the blonde girl.

Lucy went into the shop quickly. The side of simple decoration greeted her, and she saw many cages on display. It was a magical pet shop, inside the cages were a purple wolf cub, a small reddish fennec fox, a brown mongoose with rabbit teeth, a blue dove with a long tail, a reddish brown lesser panda, a yellow cat with fox ears, and a pink owl. Prices were written on pieces of paper that were attached to the cages.

Laxus followed her into the shop and walked a few steps before standing beside her. What caught her attention at a first glance was the small reddish cutie which was standing on its two feet, and looking at her. Its round hazel eyes were irresistible.

"So cute!" Lucy chuckled as she looked at the pet closely.

"Nine-month-old red panda. He has been here for five months," a middle-aged woman with wavy black hair wearing a green dress stood at the opposite side from her customers, "I'm Aiya, the owner here."

Lucy smiled at the woman, "What do you mean that he has been here for five months?"

"Magical pets are popular among mages, as these pets can use certain types of magic. For example, the fennec over there can use fire magic, and the yellow cat there can learn some quick attacks to take down the foes. However, this red panda can't do anything so people don't want to buy him."

"So, you're saying this to me because -"

"Don't get me wrong, miss," the shopkeeper replied, "Of course, I'm glad if you buy him because it is better than being stuck in my shop. However, you are a mage, aren't you? So, there will be some disappointment for you because he can't fight."

The celestial spirit looked at the woman with dislike. What the shop owner said sounded right but she didn't like the way she talked. It sounded like she was intruding on her personality or indirectly looking down at her. Besides, the way that woman looked at His Highness was more than normal.

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