Chapter 3

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Memory's POV

I just got to the beach. Which means everyone else should be here in a few. I lay out my towel. And I take off my shoes,shirt and shorts. I put them in my bag. I just sit there watching the waves as they crash onto the sand. It reminds me of 4 yrs ago when me and Hayes first got in a fight. And the night we broke up. I start thinking about everything that happened. I feel someone sit next to me. I didn't even know I was crying till someone wiped away the tears. I instantly put my hand over my face and wipe away the tears. I look up and see Hayes. Which makes me hide my face. He grabs my wrists and pulls my hands off my face. I wince. "Princess you don't have to hide your face." Hayes says. He doesn't let go of my wrists. He's got a tight grip. I wince. He's not trying to hurt me. But he doesn't know.
He noticed that I winced. He looks hurt and confused. Then he let's go of my wrists and looks at them. Seeing my cut wrist. Some fresh and some old. His eyes look broken. That pretty blue looks broken. "Princess who made you do this? What made you go back to cutting?" Hayes ask. I look down. "My life sucks. Everyone is constantly worrying about me. Giving me sympathy. And if you want to know. It was you that made me do. And constantly whenever I start thinking I get upset then I cut. How do you think you'd feel if your brother, bestfriends brother and bestfriend went to see your 1st girlfriend and refused to let you go? For all I knew something worse happened to you! For all I knew you turned into some druggy! I have all the guys on me like a hawk." I say. Tears slipping out of my eyes. Hayes looks at me. Extremely hurt. "Memory I was fine they were worried about you and have every right to be." Hayes says looking me in the eyes. I don't know what comes over me. But I start leaning in. I kiss him but he doesn't kiss back. I pull away. "I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry." I say. I grab my bag and my board and start running...

Hayes POV

Fuck what did I do?!
after she ran away. I stood up and started kicking the sand. I grabbed the rest of her stuff. I put it in my bag. After a few hours we decided to go back to the house. Ali told me memory probably just went back to the house. But she didn't it's now 9pm and she's still not home. I'm freaking out! Do you know what could fucking happen to a 18yr old girl in Cali at night?! especially one that looks like memory?!
I'm freaking out we've all called her phone multiple times. "That's it I'm going to look for her." I say. I grab her car keys and go to the garage. I click the button so I know which car is hers. I hear it beeping. I find it it's a white and red Audi R8 convertible. I get in the car and start driving. I get a call on my phone. I answer it. It's cam

*phone convo*

H: hey

C: she just called. Her phone died. She's crying and she said she's scared. She at a cafe on broad bent. She says there are guys outside they have been following her.

H:I'm on broad bent I'll get her.

C:thank you!

H: no problem. I'll bring her home.

*end of phone convo*

I get to the cafe. I park the car. I see like 5 guys walking towards her. I jump out of the car locking it behind me. I run in there. "Hey babe I'm here sorry I was late." I say giving the guys a glare. They look at me. They look scared shitless. I smirk. I walk over to her and wrap my arm around her. "We better get going." I say. She nods and grabs her stuff. We walk outside the guys still looking in shock. I walk her over to the passenger side. I open the door. She sits down and I close the door. I go over to my side. I turn the car on and start driving. "Why do you have my car?" She asks looking out the window. "What no thank you?" I ask jokingly. "Oh yea thanks." She mumbles. "I was just kidding. I just grabbed some keys when you didn't come home. I went looking for you. Cam called and said where you were. I was on the road so I came and got you." I say. "Oh." She says. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" I ask looking over at her. "no I'm fine. Just tired." She says. Which I know she's not fine. I'm not taking her home I'm taking her to the spot we used to go when we needed to be away from the rest of the world or just think. I pull up to the hill with the huge tree. "What are we doing here?" She asks. "We are going to talk whether you want to or not." I say. She groans. "Ugh fine!" She says. I get out of the car and she does too. She goes to the trunk. I look at her funny. "Blankets there are blankets in here" she says. I nod. She grabs them. She lays them down and then lays down. I follow and lay down. She rolls over and looks at me. "So why did you say all that in the cafe?" She asks. "Sorry about that. I know what kind of guys they are and if they thought you were single then it wouldn't have been good." I say she nods. "About earlier-" I start. She cuts me off. "No it's ok I shouldn't have done it." Memory says. "That's not what I was gonna say. I was gonna say. I was in shock. I was gonna kiss back but you pulled away and ran off. You scared me. I thought you were hurt." I say. "I'm fine." She says smiling. "I missed you a lot!" She says. "Princess I missed you more than you can imagine." I say pulling her into me and kissing her forehead. We just sit there. Her head on my chest and me laying on my back...

Long ass chapter just cause ily guys😊 enjoy!! Comment what you think!

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