Chapter 10

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Memory's POV

We get downstairs and go to the cars. We decided to have it just be me, hayes, Ali, cam and Nash. We decided on going to Qdoba. We're in the car listening to music on the way there. I'm in hayes' lap cuddled up to him. We pull into the parking lot. We all get out of cammys car. We go in and order. I get a burrito with queso, chicken, rice and cheese. We also get a order of queso and chips. We sit down and start eating. Since I haven't eaten in a while I have to eat slowly so I don't throw it up. Hayes is rubbing my back. It's sooo good oml. "Babe you're looking at your food like it's me. And it just gave you an orgasm." Hayes says. I smack him. "Hayes!" I say. We all burst out laughing. "I love you" I say laughing. "I love you more princess" he says. Cam is red but he's laughing which is good. "So I have a dance competition tomorrow." I say. "And you're just now telling us about it" Nash says. "Sorry I forgot about it, if y'all can't make it, it's no big deal." I say. "I'll be there baby" hayes says kissing my temple. "No we will definitely be there" cam says. "Well I already knew cause we have a duet and trio" Ali says laughing. "Oh yea obviously" I say. "I've got 2 duets, a solo, a trio and a group dance" I say. "I bet you'll look beautiful." Hayes says. I smile. We continue to eat. It honestly tastes so good, I know I said that earlier but fr. "You're doing it again" hayes whispers in my ear. I start laughing. "You wish you could give me this much pleasure" I say smirking. "My innocent ears!" Nash says. "Nothing on you is innocent Nash" I say. Besides making out me and hayes haven't done anything. Cam looks pale. "Have you to done the uh um." He stutters. I die laughing. "God I wish, but she won't let me" hayes says. Everyone sighs in relief which causes me to laugh harder. "I'm dying ahhhhh I'm a virgin" I say laughing. "Thank God" cam says. "I wish she wasn't" hayes mumbles under his breath. I hit him lightly on the stomach, letting him know I heard him. He just grins at me. "He's gonna beat your ass" I whisper in his ear. "It'd be worth it" he says smiling. I just shake my head. We finish eating. We get in the car and head back to the house. We finally pull into the drive way and I hop out of the car. Hayes follows me up to my room. I grab a sports bra and spandex and my Nikes and throw them on my chair, for my run when I get up. I strip down and grab one of hayes' shirts and pull it on. I glance and see that he's already in the bed. I climb in next to him. I wrap my arms around his shirtless torso. I kiss his jaw. "Goodnight I love you" I say. "I love you more beautiful" he says kissing my head. With that I fall asleep tangled up next to him.

*timeskip to morning*

I wake up and see that it's 7:30. I decide to get out of bed. I grab my sports bra and spandex and slide it on. I throw my hair in a pony. I grab my Nikes and socks and slide them on. I grab my phone and my wireless earbuds and keys and go out the door. I go downstairs and outside. I decide I'll only do a 2 mile run because I've got a competition. I enjoy running. The wind it's great I get my music playing on the song I want and I just think while I run. After a little while I'm back at the house. I go upstairs to my room. As I'm walking up I see Ali walking down the hall going to her room. I smile knowing what she was doing. I chuckle to myself and go into my room. I go into my bathroom and hop in my shower. I quickly shower and do everything I need to do. I hop out and wrap up in a towel. I go into my room. I grab my black sports bra, spandex and panties and my dance jacket. I put it all on. I grab all my costumes and dance shoes and put them in my dance bag. I grab my dance makeup case and make sure I have everything ready. I go to the bed to wake hayes up.I look at the clock it's 9 we have to be at the studio at 10:30. I kiss him and he instantly kisses back. I pull away and He sits up and rubs his eyes. "Yes princess?" He says. "we need to leave in about an hour." I say. He nods and climbs out of the bed. He kiss my head and disappears down the hall. I walk out and into cams room. He's not in his bed. I glance in his bathroom and see him with his towel around his neck and a pair of shorts on. I walk in. "Hey we need to leave in about an hour" I say. "Ok sissy, have you eaten?" He asks. I shake my head. "Not yet. Making sure everyone's up then I'm heading downstairs." I say. He nods. "You better log everything you eat so I know you're actually eating." He says. "I will cammy" I say kissing his cheek. "Love you" he says. "Love you too." I say. I walk out of his room and go to Nash's room. He's already dressed and ready. "Hey Nashy we need to leave in a lil less than an hour." I say. "Ok shorty" he says. I smile. I go back into my room and grab my bags. I go start down the stairs when I slip. I'm waiting to hit the ground but I never actually touch the ground. I feel someone's arms around me. I look up to see a guy I've never seen before. I quickly stand up. "Oh um thank you. I'm sorry." I say. He's got this dark look to him. He's got this glint in his eye but idk what it is.   Nate walks in. "Oh baby girl I see you met my lil brother" Nate says. I choke. Little brother? This guy looks like a model. Bad memory no stop. "Memory meet Jaxten, but everyone calls him Jax. Jax this is Memory. Memory's Cameron's sister and hayes' girlfriend." Nate says. "Nice to meet you" I say. "Yea you too" he says not wanting to look at me. That's weird. I look down and realize I'm not in a shirt. I quickly grab my jacket and slip it on. Zipping it up half way. He looks up at me now. I pick up my bags and put them on the couch. "Why so many bags?" He asks. "Dance competition." I say. "Oh yea, Jax you're going with us to that" Nate says. "Um am I dressed ok?" He asks looking down. I look at his outfit. Jeans a fitted black t-shirt his keys hanging from his pocket. He's got a chain necklace and a watch and his hair is all fixed and he's in converse. "Yep you're good" I say. "I gotta go eat something so we can take this party to the kitchen" I say. "I gotta go get ready but you two can" Nate says. I nod. I look at Jax and gives a small nod. I lead the way to the kitchen. I grab a couple gatorades for later and a couple special k bars and set them on the counter. "Have you eaten?" I ask. "Nah, but you don't have to make anything" he says. "Sit down and let me cook" I say. "Yes ma'am" he says laughing. I smile. I decide I'll make some smoothies and then bacon and pancakes. He decided to get up half way through time cooking and started helping me. We finished cooking and he put the food on plates and I put the smoothie in cups. I made extra. We still have 30 till we have to leave. He sets the plates at the table and I grab the silverware and cups and set them down. We sit and eat and joke around the whole time we eat. We finally finish and we put our dishes in the dishwasher. I grab the drinks and bars off the counter and We walk back into the living room. "WE NEED TO LEAVE IN LESS THAN 10!" I yell up the stairs. "We're coming." Everyone yells back. I grab my dance backpack but Jax grabs the rest of them. "Where do you want them?" He asks. "I'll go out to my car with you." I say. I grab the Range Rover keys. And go to the garage. I click the button. "You have a Range Rover?" He asks. "And a hummer, keep, and Audi R8" I say. "No fucking way." He says. "Yep" I say. "That's sick" he says. I click the trunk and it opens "just stick it in the back please." I say. He does. "Thank you!" I say. "Yea no problem little one" he says. I smile we go back inside and everyone's coming down the stairs. It's only me, Ali, hayes, Ethan, cam, Nash, Nate, Sammy, G and Jax going. So we will fit in two cars. "Ok so we can fit in 2 cars. I'm taking my Range Rover so I can easily take 5." I say. "Well babe I'm obviously going with you." Hayes says looking Jax up and down. "Me and Ethan are going with y'all too." Ali says. "I've got another spot Jax you wanna go with us?" I ask. "Yea sure" he says smirking. Him and hayes make eye contact. "Ok let's go. Ali your stuff can go in the back" I say. "Ok girl" she says. We go to the garage. Me and Ali hop up front before the guys can say anything. Forcing them to all get in the back together. Ali turns on the music as soon as I turn the car on. She connects her phone to the aux. I open the garage door and pull out heading to the studio. The guys seem to semi be getting along. Ethan and Jax are getting along way better than hayes and Jax obviously. Me and Ali keep looking back at them and then at each other. "So y'all 3 can hang together at the competition while we're competing." Ali says. "Yea that sounds like a good plan. Since Jax is new Hayes you guys could be friends and you could introduce him to your friends sometime." I say. "Oh uh um yea I guess I could" hayes says. "Great perfect! Thanks babe" I say. Jax is just smiling. I finally pull into the studio parking lot. "Ok let's go" I say grabbing my backpack and hoping out. I go to the trunk to grab my stuff but Jax and hayes grab it before I can. They both just look at eachother I slowly back away. As Ethan grabs Ali's bag. Ali comes up next to me. "I don't think those two like each other" she says. "Yea they think it's not obvious" I say chuckling. Ali smiles. "My brothers just jealous it'll be fine" she says. Noticing my worry. We all go to the bus that we are taking to the competition. "Hey gorgeous" Blake says coming up and kissing my head. Before you freak out he's gay. "Hey Blakey" I say. I turn to hayes, he looks pissed and so does jax? "He's gay" I mouth. They both chill. I smile. "Blake this is my boyfriend and my friend Jax" I say side stepping so he can see the guys. "Holy shit he is hot. But who's the other one damn you single hott stuff?" He says. Hayes starts laughing. "That's Jax. Jax is my friend, but I'm pretty sure he likes girls" I say. "Right jax?" I ask. "Yea sorry man, I'm into them little firecrackers" he says looking at me. "If any girl were to set me back This little firecracker would be the one to make me straight" Blake says. I die. "Oml Blake!" I say laughing. "All my beautiful dancers and their support systems on the bus it's time to leave!" Mrs April says coming out of the studio. Everyone starts loading the bus. I look at the bus. "Y'all can just put those under the bus please" I say. They nod and put them under and load up. April comes over to me. "Hey my favorite" she says hugging me. I laugh. "Hey I brought quite a bit of support with me" I say laughing. She smiles. "I saw. You better introduce me to that looker of yours. Even tho you had two of them that couldn't take their eyes off of you." April says. I look at her like she lost her mind. "Don't look at me like that Honey a blind man could see it. But come on or we'll be late." She says. I nod and get on the bus her following me on. I go to the back cause that's where I usually lay down and listen to music. I plop down and put my beats in and blast my music. I always like go off by myself on comp days and get in the mood before I hangout with everyone. The comp is a few hours away so I lay down as the bus starts to move. I feel someone sit next to me. I open my eyes and see Jax. I look at him questioningly. I sit up and take off my beats. "Hey what's up?" I say. "Sorry it's just I don't fit in with that group. It's really weird. Your boyfriend hates me. I'm probably not helping the situation by being back here but your the only person who I seem to enjoy to be with" he says. I smile. "He's just over protective don't mind him. It'll be ok, he'll come around. You probably just scare him. You've got that whole tough bad boy exterior." I say. "He's got every reason to be protective over you little one" he says smiling. "Cams usually even worse than him tho" I say laughing.

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