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Landing on her back with a thud, Adeline let out a loud groan. The pads beneath her only did so much to soften the impact.

"You haven't been training since we last met, I see." Eudoria sounded from above her. Adeline rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Well I haven't quite found the time." Adeline replied as the two began circling each other once again.

"Oh? And what have you been doing instead?" Questioned Eudoria, as she moved forward sending a jab towards Adeline's left.

Adeline quickly dodged it and then a second one which came from the right.

"Amongst being a wife to your son, who has been incessant with this newest case. Worrying about Enola, who by the way is returning to Ferndell Hall, and most important of all, trying to help Edith put out fires from your newest aspirations. Really? You had to blow up a mailbox?" Adeline let out, as she too moved forward throwing shots at Eudoria.

Eudoria let out a giggle before grabbing onto Adeline's arms to try to manoeuvre her to the ground once more.

"As I seem to recall you very much like being a wife to my son, who has always been incessant on cases, and as much as anyone tries, no one will ever be able to stop you from worrying about Enola." Eudoria spoke in reply to what Adeline had said.

Adeline managed to get herself out of Eudoria's hold and rapidly did a sweep with her leg to send Eudoria tumbling to the floor.

"And what do you have to say about the mailbox?" Adeline questioned.

"It was fun." Eudoria replied. Adeline rolled her eyes for what felt like the umpteenth time today, and held out her hand to help Eudoria up.

Eudoria, who couldn't help herself, pulled Adeline to the ground next to her.

"Was that necessary?"

"Don't be so serious, how are you feeling?" Eudoria asked.

"Fine... Tired if anything." Adeline said. She rolled to her side so she could look at Eudoria.

"This is the easy part, savour it." Eudoria told Adeline with a knowing look. Adeline looked at her surprised.

"You know?"

"Of course I know" Eudoria replied, as she stood up and walked off she then called back,

"Now come on, Edith's put some new pastries out on the menu that I am dying to try."

"I knew you were going easy on me!" Adeline replied in a huff marching after the older woman.


Having stayed longer than she should have, which included lunch, a meeting, and then supper. Adeline arrived home shortly after nine to an empty home, which surprised her at first. However with the state of the house being a bigger mess than what it had been this morning, Adeline surmised that Sherlock had taken a break and left the house.

𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌 𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒎𝒆𝒔)Where stories live. Discover now