Chapter 3. November 5. 1963.

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Since before the trial, Donald and Edith have been put on medication to treat their depression and Donald has started drinking since the cat was let out of the bag that six-year-old Micheal killed Judith the town's people of Haddonfield effectively split those that support the Myers and those who don't want them in town anymore.

Edith was inconsolable as she and Donald watched Michael get taken out of the courtroom now they could only see their son during visiting hours at the Smiths Grove Sanitarium.

Inside the Administration office, Terrence Wynn and two others were waiting for Dr. Samuel Loomis to arrive.

"Ah Sam good of you to come we just received a new case today, Micheal Audrey Myers a six-year-old child who the magistrate feels our facility can help or help him understand why Micheal committed the awful act he did this past Halloween night." Terrence Wynn greeted.

"And you believe me to be the best to get the answers the magistrate seeks. Well, I'll need to speak to his parents as well as see the police files to get a better picture of what I'm working with here. " Dr. Loomis said.

"We've gotten all the files you need and my understanding the parents want to speak with you as well, I'm sure they can paint a picture as to what might have caused this." Wynn replied.

"Well, I guess I should prepare to meet Mr. and Mrs. Myers in my office, I'll go through the whole file in the meantime." Dr. Loomis said.

"Listen Edith when we talk to Dr. Loomis let's not mention your grandfather people are ready to run us out of town over this we can mention the nightmares and voices and the bed wetting happening out of the blue, but that's it it's bad enough that people are calling Micheal a monster he's sick that's all, and we have to hope that somehow Dr. Loomis can fix him." Donald commanded.

"Okay, Donald whatever you say, but people can be cruel what's going to happen to Micheal if by some miracle he gets better than tries to live a normal life he's going to have this hanging over his head people won't see someone who was troubled they'll see him as a monster that murdered his older sister just like half this town already has. "Edith replied.

Dr Loomis sat in his office reading the files on Micheal Myers and taking notes of things that stuck out to him, he wondered what the parents would have to tell him and would it shine any light on the child's trance-like state.

"Dr Loomis the Myers are here to meet you." The nurse said.

"Yes, send them directly, if you please." Dr. Loomis replied.

"Hello Dr. Loomis I'm Donald and this is my wife Edith, we understand you were assigned our son Michael's case, hopefully you'll be able to help him." Donald greeted.

"I will most certainly do everything within my power to do so now I haven't met him yet, but I've been given the file and that has painted a picture, but not much of one that led to such a conclusion. I was hoping maybe you can help me make the picture a bit more clear. "Dr Loomis said.

"Of course, what help can we give you?" replied Donald.

"Well, what was the relationship between Judith and Micheal like, for one did they fight a lot did she do things to him that he felt the need to retaliate was there any kind of tension between them?" Dr Loomis asked.

"They were never violent towards each other they would annoy each other Micheal would tease her about her friends and boyfriend's, and she would tease him she would yell at him for snooping in her room normal sibling stuff but nothing that I would think to make Micheal want to murder his sister. His behavior only started changing when the nightmares began, he said he would hear voices telling him to do terrible things and that he hated people he would dream about places and people he didn't know about he would wake up sweating and pee the bed. We thought he had somehow snuck and watched a scary movie that caused all of this, so we didn't pay any mind to it. " Donald replied.

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