Chapter 2. November 2-3 1963.

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It was a sad day for the Myers family, they went back to their house to clean up the mess in Judith's room and pick out the outfit she would wear in her wake and funeral they had picked out certain things they would keep and allowed Judith's friends to take what they wanted with anything left over would be sent to the Goodwill.

Part of the things they kept were Judith's diaries they would read later when they could bring themselves to them, they still wanted answers, all the while unaware that they were being watched.

Grandma Katherine arrived with their friends from Russellville to help the family get ready, Donald and Edith told no one but Katherine the day that Sheriff Barstow broke the news that it was Micheal that had killed Judith this past Halloween. It was news that convinced them that they had failed Judith and Micheal, both they failed Judith by dismissing the strange behavior Micheal started exhibiting that allowed Michael to kill her, and they failed Micheal by not getting him checked before this could happen. They blamed themselves for it more than anyone else.

The family ate their breakfast and got dressed to attend Judith's wake that was going to be held in the chapel all of her friends from Haddonfield high we're going to be there Donald and Edith chose to keep her casket closed because they wanted people to remember her for the way she lived rather than the way she died.

Donald and Edith walked into the chapel supporting each other, while Katherine held hands with Michael and Cynthia, following behind her daughter and son-in-law. They sat in the front pews in view of the closed casket. Low church music could be heard as all the seats were filled. Pastor Charles Graham walked in front of the podium, waiting for everyone to sit before the wake started.

"Before we began, I was asked by the family to express their gratitude at the show of support while they dealt with the loss of their beloved daughter and granddaughter Judith. There will be no viewing of Judith's body, per the request of her family; they wish for all who loved her to remember her as she was when she was alive."

"So now I'm going to ask all those who wish to talk and share stories about Judith, please come at this time." Rev. Graham says.

"Hello everyone, my name is Clara Johnson I was Judith's elementary school teacher, she was always such a sweet child she made friends with the other children easily, there was just something about her that made people gravitate toward her, she always tried to help me in class and other students it was a sad yet happy day the day she left my class, but I knew whatever classroom she ended up in they would be lucky to have her. When I heard the news of her passing, I was devastated about such a bright light being extinguished. The parties responsible have no idea what they took from us, and this town had such a bright future. To the family and all those that loved her, I give my deepest sympathies and pray for your healing and peace. " Mrs. Johnson concluded.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mr. Bradley Stephens I was Judith's English teacher and just as Mrs Johnson stated about Judith in elementary school the same can be said about her in high school, she was always helpful and polite, and you never really saw her by herself, she had a very large friend group that when you saw them together in the hallway or during lunch period you would always see her smiling and laughing. Again, as Mrs Johnson said the news of Judith's passing affected everyone who knew her and loved her, especially Kathy and Gwen those two ladies were as close as sisters to her, she will be greatly missed in our school. " Mr. Stephens said.

"Gwen Kyes I believe you're up next." Pastor Graham continued.

"Hello everyone, forgive me. I'm struggling to come up with the words to honor one of my best friends Judith Kathy and I were all in the same elementary school class it just so happened Kathy and I were both shy kids and Judith was the complete opposite of that I will never forget how larger than life she was in such a little girl's body. And it worked out that our mom and dads became close too, which was great for us. We enjoyed doing our homework together going to play on the playground together going on dates and movies and to the mall like teenagers do. She was also very wise. I can't count how many times Kathy and I came to her for advice, and she seemed to always know what to say and do to make things better for us. All three of us talked about our future: we would go to college, get our dream jobs, get married, have kids and watch our children and future grandchildren grow up. The night she died, I was supposed to meet her and Kathy at Judith's house. I was about to walk out my door when Kathy called me and told me what she saw when she went to Judith's house. I couldn't believe what reason would anyone have to hurt Judith when everyone as far as I knew didn't have so much as an unkind word to say about her. Honestly, I am still struggling with this. I keep thinking she's going to call me, but then I remember why she won't, and I find myself sobbing, to Judith. Thank you for being one of my best friends, and I promise I'll never forget you. "Gwen Concluded.

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