Chapter 4. January 3rd 1965.

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Inside the grounds of Mt Sinclair cemetery Katherine held the now four year old Cynthia's hand beside them were Keith and Shelley and Vance and Gale and their children as well as Morgan and Pamela Strode Donald and Edith met Morgan when he sold them their house Morgan and his wife were the first to welcome Donald Edith and Katherine to Haddonfield when the finally settled in. Donald and Edith introduced them to their high school friends and it was like they all knew each other for years.

Katherine and the group returned to her house, Cynthia playing with the other children in the living room while the adults set the prepared food out to allow everyone to get what they wanted to eat.

"How are you holding mother?" asked Vance.

"I'm trying to stay strong for Cynthia though I'm heartbroken over the loss of Donald and Edith I just wish he didn't drink and drive when he knew he was taking those antidepressants ever since Judith died, they lost the will to live even though they still had Cynthia and were holding on to hope that Micheal could be cured, my health has taken a decline from the stress of it all I'm worried what's going to happen with Cynthia after I'm gone I know that Morgan and Pamela agreed to raise her when I'm gone so there's that. "Katherine replied.

Yes Donald and Edith all of us talked about who would be taking care of her if all of you died while she was still young the mess with Judith and Micheal everyone knows they were our friends so that would make Cynthia more of a target for Billy's if we took her, but we don't intend to not be in her life we still love her as our niece that's why Morgan and Pamela are better to take her they can shield her from the stigma that being known as a Myers would cause her. " Vance said.

"Yes, we've promised Donald and Edith that we would formally adopt her when you can either no longer care for her or you pass away we will even legally change her name to Laurie Strode to protect her from anyone connecting her to the Donald and Edith with the exception of her aunties and uncles and cousins who've been in her life since she was born." Morgan replied.

"Thank you Morgan and Pamela I know when the time comes you will take care of her all of you will be there for her that will give me so much comfort also there is something I would like to ask of you when the time comes and you decide to tell her the truth about who she is after I'm gone, I stated I wanted things given to all of you and some things set aside like mine and Edith's jewelry for Cynthia to have when she's older and some photo albums so that she understands that we all loved her. And that you didn't tell her the truth to protect her and that her grandma's and grandpa's and parents and sister will be watching over her. " Katherine requested.

"We promise you we will love and protect her like she was our very own. And we will do as you ask when the time comes. " Pamela said.

"Thank you that truly means a lot to me knowing that my granddaughter will be in good hands ill write a letter for her that I would like for her to have when she's older. So he will know her family history I know children who discover they are adopted can experience feelings of uncertainty and confusion about who they truly are and I don't want her to have those feelings about herself, but I know there will be enough people here for her that she will be spared that at least I hope she will and Vance and Keith your youngest children were born the same around the same time Cynthia was I can see them being as close as Donald and Edith were to you all. " Katherine replied.

Back at Smiths Grove Dr. Loomis stared at the obituary in the paper Michaels parents were dead their funeral was today and it was up to him to break the news to Micheal would this finally provoke a reaction from this child he didn't know the test results showed he had nothing mentally or developmentally wrong with him but he was still beating his fists against a brick wall trying to get a response of any kind.

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