Kyoka Jiro

163 11 11

(Tsu's POV)

I woke up in my dorm, and it was morning time. I felt okay, but that was before I remembered what Ochako had told me yesterday.

Getting up, I looked at my reflection in the mirror standing in front of me. I looked sleep deprived. My eyes were almost swollen because of my tears, I couldn't leave my dorm room looking like this.

I used a scarf to cover most of my face after getting dressed. Then I headed to the main area for breakfast, where most of the class already was.

"Ew, what's up with you?" Mineta asked me.

"Leave her alone you little grape-headed freak." I turned to see Kyoka who was defending me.

"Hey chill," Mineta took a step back, "I was just asking a question."

After Mineta left to hang out with Kaminari, Kyoka turned towards me. "Hey, I noticed you were acting a little more down than usual. Something going on?"

"Uh, I'm just tired." I tried to sound cheerful even though my voice was groggy.

"You don't have to lie you know,"

Kyoka looked at me with concern in her eyes. I couldn't tell her what was going on. I've been a burden to too many people. "No really I'm fine!" I showed her a smile with my eyes.

"If you say so," She said, looking at the floor, "If you ever need to talk just let me know."

Kyoka was about to walk away, but before she could, my heart dropped. I saw Ochako on the sofa, she seemed to be asleep and her head was rested on Midoriya's shoulder.

"Something wrong?" Kyoka asked.

She must've noticed the stress and anxiousness in my eyes, since the rest of my face was covered by the scarf. She looked in the direction I was looking.

"Do you have a crush on Midoriya?" She asked.

"No no!" I said, louder than I'd hoped for. Kyoka looked a little surprised by my sudden reaction.

Kyoka was nice, but I never really talked to her that much. So I wasn't entirely comfortable sharing my feelings about Ochako, but that was when she asked, "Ochako then?"

"Uh- I- um- ribbit.." Why couldn't I just deny it so she wouldn't know? I hate lying to my friends, but I wasn't ready.

"You do, don't you?"

I stayed quiet and looked at the floor.

"Why don't you tell her how you feel?" She asked me.

"I can't-" I said faintly, "She's in love with... Midoriya."

I felt the tears return to my eyes, as Kyoka placed her hand on my shoulder. Then she leaned in and hugged me.

"I understand that must feel hard to deal with, you can talk to me whenever you want, k? I'm here for you if you need me." Kyoka then let go of me.

I nodded.

I didn't like having people feel sorry for me. It made me feel guilty, and as if I was a burden to them. So I decided to change the subject.

Wiping the tears out of my eyes I asked, "What about you? Do you like anyone?"

A tint of blush swept over her cheeks. "Oh. Uh, well. Yes I do.."

She looked down at the floor and twisted her earphones around her finger, "It's super embarrassing though, you promise you won't tell?"

"I cross my heart." I said.

"I like..." She looked around to make sure no one was looking and then whispered, "Kaminari.."

"Oh, that's cool. Ribbit." I made my tone sound as cheerful as possible, "I'm sure he likes you too, I see the way he looks at you."

"You think so?" She asked me nervously.

"Yeah! Go for it!" I smiled.

"O-ok, maybe later." She waved to me and walked towards the dorms.

After she left, I couldn't help my gaze from again focusing on Ochako, who was still with Midoriya on the sofa. She seemed content with him. She didn't need me. My body wanted to cry again but I stopped myself. What was the point of wasting tears? She didn't want me. She wanted Midoriya.

I grabbed some breakfast before heading back to my dorm, where I'd be spending the rest of my day.


I layed down on my bed and squeezed one of my frog plushies.

Why was I even trying? Why did I still care? Nothing that happens to me matters. She's better off without me. Since she was already in love, my feelings wouldn't mean anything, no matter how desperate I was. Midoriya was perfect for her. I support Ochako and her decision. I was never good enough for her anyways...


Just maybe...

I'd be better off dead...

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