The cat's out of the bag

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(Tsu's POV)

Ochako turned back around to face me, her beautiful brown eyes peering into mine.

"What is it?" She asked me.

I felt my heart thumping loudly in my chest. I couldn't talk, my mouth couldn't form the words. How would she react? She's already made it 100% clear that she loves Midoriya. I'd get rejected for sure.

She could tell I was stressed so she didn't let go of my hand.

I looked around to see if anyone was walking through the halls, then I led her inside my room. She followed.

I felt bad about letting go of her hand, but I did, to shut the door behind us. Without turning to face her again, I rested my forehead against the door and took in a deep breath. This was it. This could either be the best day of my life, or the day where my life would be eternally ruined.

"Ochako... ever since I met you, my life was forever changed." I said, not turning around. "And I know that it's great having you as a friend, ribbit, but I.. I see you as... more than that..."

I could hear my heartbeat through my ears. Beads of sweat were rolling down my face. I wanted to turn around and see her reaction to this. But I was scared. The silence was agonizing.

"I know you're in love with Midoriya. So I don't want to get in the way of your relationship... but I.. I'm in love with you." I could feel my heart sink in my chest as I spoke those words. My stomach, invaded with butterflies, felt sick and woozy. I grabbed ahold of the door's handle to stabilize myself, sweat made it slippery and hard to grasp but I used the rest of the strength in my weak body to hold onto it and tense myself as I awaited her response.

17 seconds exactly. The longest moments of my entire life, were spent waiting for Ochako to softly let out, "Oh.."

(Ochako's POV)

Tsu had just spilled her heart out, to me. I wanted to help her, but I was too ignorant to see that I was the only one that could help her. My heart belonged to Deku, but for the first time I actually felt ashamed of my feelings. I couldn't tell exactly why that was. Of course Tsu is my best friend, I care about her so much. But Deku is the love of my life... right?

"I knew it..." Tsu spoke again, this time turning around to face me. She grimaced and her eyes were glossy as if she's been holding in tears throughout her entire life. Then she showed a smile. A sad, fake smile. "You don't feel the same way. It was stupid of me to think that I actually might've had a chance. You already told me about your feelings with Midoriya. Haha.."

Her words seemed to stab me right through my stomach. Seeing her like this was excruciating to watch.

Then her smile started to disappear as thick tears began to stream down her face. Rushing to the corner of the room, Tsu slowly dropped to the floor and hid her face in her knees. I could hear soft whimpering sounds coming from that direction.

How could I let this happen? How could I be so ignorant and blind? Tsu is my best friend, it's my fault she's crying right now.

"Tsu.. I'm sorry.." I walked over to sit by her.

"It's not your fault.. ribbit.." She said without looking up.

"I don't want my relationship with Deku to hurt you, even though we aren't really a thing yet. So if it means that you'll feel better.. I won't date hi-"

"No! I don't want to cause you any more problems Ochako.." Tsu lifted her head, "G-go be with Midoriya, you'll be happy."

I could see now. Tsu had been burdening herself with my feelings this whole time. She was helping me, even though it was hurting her. Being with Deku wouldn't make me feel any happier if I knew I was hurting Tsu.

"No, Tsu, if it's hurting you than I don't want to. How about.. I be with you instead?"

"I'd like that... but then you would be lying. You don't love me, you love Midoriya."

Something felt off about this constant mention of my love for Deku. It didn't make sense. I've developed feelings for him ever since enrolling in UA. But at the same time it didn't seem right. Deku has always treated me like a great friend, maybe that's all we're supposed to be? I mean, maybe all this time that I've been simping over him, maybe all I had was just a mere crush.

Tsu has always been close to me. We've hung out way more times than I've hung out with Deku. And this heartache feeling I get when I see Tsu crying isn't anything I've ever felt with Deku.

Could that be a sign of something?

"I'm sure Midoriya's probably waiting for you." Tsu said, turning her head away from me. "You should probably go."

"But Tsu-"

"Just go... ribbit.." She said in a muffled tone, "Thanks for checking on me.. you're a good friend.."

After waiting a little while next to Tsu, I slowly stood up. Because I didn't notice her feelings sooner, I caused her sadness. I had to find a way to make it up to her somehow... and think about everything that had just happened.

"Okay.." I slowly, step by step walked towards the door. Looking back, I saw Tsu in the same position, hiding her face in her knees. I waited a few seconds. Then I opened the door, walked out, and quietly shut it behind me.

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