Ochako's Contemplation

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(Ochako's POV)

I felt bad about leaving Tsu by herself like that. She was going through a tough time, and I was probably the only person who could help her.

"Uraraka! Is Tsu alright?" I saw Deku walking down the hallway in my direction.

"Huh? Oh, well, she needs to be by herself for a little while." I said.

"Still? It's getting pretty late, and she's been in there all day."

"Yeah.. I know," I could tell for a while that something was off about the way Tsu was acting. Confessing her love for me was definitely not what I was expecting though. And I'm sure she probably wouldn't want to come out of her room in the middle of a mental breakdown.

I wish I knew what I could do to help her.

I looked at Deku who was peering down at the floor, most likely thinking to himself. For the first time, when I looked at him, I didn't see the love of my life. I didn't see the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. My dream partner... wasn't him anymore.

These mixed feelings were starting to annoy me, I didn't know what to think of them. I definitely felt something. But was it for Deku, or Tsu?

"Well, I guess she'll come out when she's ready." Deku said.

He then started walking in the direction he came from. He paused once and turned around to see if I was joining him. I looked at Tsu's door one last time, then started to follow Deku.

I felt like I was doing the wrong thing. I should've stayed with Tsu and comforted her. When we reached the main area of the dorms I saw Kaminari and Kyoka sitting on a sofa together. They were smiling and talking to eachother. Then Kaminari leaned forward and gave her a kiss. She started blushing but she didn't turn away from him. If Deku ever did that to me I'm sure I'd lose it and run away from him. But.. if it was Tsu, I probably would stay...

Then and there I started to realize it. I started to fully wrap my head around what was really going on here. I hated to leave as soon as I came. But I needed to. I needed to tell Tsu the truth.


(Tsu's POV)

She knew now. Ochako knew my feelings. I shouldn't have been surprised she rejected me, but I guess that was the last strand of hope I was holding onto. I had no point to live anymore. Ochako was my only reason, and she's happy so she doesn't need me.

I slowly stood up onto my weak legs. I looked over to the window on the side of my room, and wondered if I would die if I fell from this height. I walked to the window and peered through it to make sure. It didn't look too far down. I would definitely get hurt, but I don't think it would be enough to kill me.

Oh well. I only deserve to suffer anyway.

I looked around my room to find something hard enough to break the glass. A chair. Hopefully it would work.

I wrapped the chair up with my toungue and started to swing it around the room. Once I got enough momentum, I let it fly in the direction of the window.


The window shattered into billions of microscopic pieces. The pieces of glass went everywhere. I felt them beneath my feet as I took slow steps towards the now open window. I left a trail of thick blood from my feet behind me as I walked. The pain in my feet was relieving to me. Now, this is the only pain I'll feel. Ochako is happy, I shouldn't be jealous. I told myself.

I lifted my right, bloodsoaked foot to the sharp edges of the window and felt a cold breeze brush past me. I'd have to jump through a tree to get down. Hopefully it wouldn't ease my fall.

From the outside of my dorm, in the hallway, I heard fast-paced footsteps gradually getting louder. Someone was coming. I had to leave fast. Putting pressure on my weak, bloody foot, I propelled myself into a leap, it was the highest I had ever leaped in a long time. My tears flung off my face then back onto me, they felt like raindrops. I closed my eyes and smiled as I felt gravity begin to pull me to the snow-covered earth.

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