Mansion of Hell

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Triger warning : Animal abuse

The sound of the alarm clock pierced Vega's ears, causing him to lift his body slightly off the bed. He opened his eyes clouded with morning drowsiness and a yawn escaped his mouth. He looked at the clock, it was 6 o'clock and the sun hadn't risen yet.

He shook the warm and comfortable sheets off his body and began to get ready for the day. He wondered which of his dogs Kinn had sent to watch over him. Today he was going to find out no matter what. Just the thought amused him. A lighting current ran through him electrifying every cell in his body and he felt his temperature jump up. Any trace of drowsiness was now shaken off.

He left the house as quickly as he could, as he usually did. He didn't want to face his father, let alone have breakfast with him, it would automatically ruin his day and it didn't take much effort to ruin Vegas' day in general. Not that Khan would care to make time to eat with his son, of course. Maybe it was better this way, Vegas thought. The atmosphere in Khan's presence was always so heavy that the air was suffocating and he felt the air being sucked out of his lungs.

He drove off in the car as if he was being chased, which in fact he was, he had noticed that a car was following him. Today he was going to discover the identity of his stalker.

'' If you are going to act like a dog then I will make sure to drag you with your leash around and send you to hell''. He could feel the anticipation inside of him burning strong.

He had been planning the downfall of his useless cousin too long to let a mere pawn ruin it all. Just the thought of it filled his heart with more burning passion to catch him and ruin him. He would make Kinn taste defeat more than once and his win would be more memorable.

He could not help but tighten his hands around the wheel trying to sustain the strong desire within him to turn everything into a mess right here and now. Nevertheless, he managed to let out a sigh and cool off the flame craving for destruction within him. There was a right time for everything. This was not it. He needed to be patient.

He drove off to the restaurant he usually goes to buy breakfast, a ristretto and something to eat according to his cravings.

He could feel a pair of eyes on him calculating his every move and he let out a snort. Once he walked out of the store he was scanning his surroundings and there he saw him. A young tall man dressed in jeans, a white shirt covered by a red dress shirt and black sunglasses. It was Pete. So he sent crazy Tankhun's little dog. It was so hilarious that he wanted to laugh but held back and decided to walk away from there to see his next move.

He saw him enter the shop from which he had just come out. He then noticed two stray dogs lurking outside the shop as if begging for food. He immediately thought to seize the opportunity to feed them for the sake of Pete's reaction when he found out he had never actually left.

Vegas didn't hate animals. On the contrary, when he was a little boy he used to like cats and wanted to have one of his own. As he fed and petted the stray animals, memories from the back of his mind surfaced.

He remembered when he was little and had gone for a walk with his late mother. He remembered her dressed in an all white dress that matched her fair complexion and together they contrasted with her dark black long hair that was parted on the right side. Her brown eyes radiated a sparkle that even the sun would envy and her smile was so bright and infectious that it made you smile without even realizing it.

He doesn't remember what they were talking about but he remembers their conversation being interrupted by the disturbing howl of a cat.They both rushed to find out where the noise was coming from. It didn't take them long to figure it out. The noise was coming from a black garbage bag standing near the garbage cans. Without a second thought they tore the bag open, releasing a small black kitten with green enchanting eyes. His mother suggested they take it to the nearest veterinary clinic for examination. So they did, and after confirming that its health was in excellent condition, Vegas begged his mother to keep it. Never before in his life had he ever begged for anything so much and his mother found it hard to refuse. But they still had to ask for Kan's permission.

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