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Pete swallowed the last flame of anger along with the last bite of food. He then accepted the painkillers without any sign of resistance. Vegas got off the bed, and he started getting dressed as if Pete did not exist in the room. He did not wear his university uniform, which made Pete assume that he would most likely go to the company along with Kan. After days of stalking him, Pete had noticed that sometimes Vegas would skip class to join his father's meetings or help with the family business.

It was none of Pete's concern, though, wherever Vegas went. What mattered to him was Vegas' absence. With Vegas gone from the mansion, Pete might have a chance to find a way to break free from the cold, tight chains that kept him captive.

'' You are not that talkative today'' The young master purred while he fixed the collar of his shirt.

Of course, Pete was not talkative. Was it not what Vegas wanted? If Vegas wanted him to stop talking back, Pete would do it. If he wanted him to eat, he would do that as well. He was not planning on staying any longer, and he needed any amount of energy he could gather. Besides, keeping quiet seemed better than saying anything that might upset Vegas and delay Pete's plan to escape.

'' I don't really have anything to say," he answered absentmindedly, not to raise any suspicions.

"Is that so?" Vegas asked casually as he was fixing his hair in front of the mirror.

"Your eyes tell me otherwise," he said as he brushed his hands through his hair.His movements stopped, and his body stayed still. His sharp eyes stared into the mirror, capturing Pete's face in the reflection.

Pete's expressive eyes met with Vegas', and for a fleeting moment, his face turned pale in fear. He felt as if Vegas had absorbed his courage and, just like his reflection, captured it in the mirror with his threatening gaze.

Vegas turned to Pete's direction '' Keep being a good dog and don't do anything stupid'' he said with a warning grin taking over his features. His piercing eyes cut through the unsaid words as if he could take a peek inside Pete's mind.

Always keep your target close enough to see through them, but never so close that they can see through you. Those words flashed through his mind like lightning.

"What could I possibly do that I haven't already done?" Pete defended himself in a tone that transmitted a calmness that he was not really feeling, but what was important was that Vegas felt it.

"You do know I have my men guard the room, right?" he continued to warn.

Well, I figured this much, but thanks for confirming it. I guess. Pete mocked Vegas' statement in his head to prevent himself from actually talking back. He just hoped that he would give him some more information. If Nop, for example, was the one guarding the door, Pete might be able to persuade him to turn a blind eye, given that he found a way to break free from the chains first.

"I do," he simply answered.

''Good'' Vegas let the dry word fall in Pete's ears with the intention of planting fear in Pete's heart, and he exited the room without saying anything further.


Once Pete was sure that Vegas was gone, he started putting his escape plan into action. It was not really a plan but more like an attempt. He was kind of grateful for the fact that the chains were not entirely restricting his movements, as he could wander around the room. Thus, he started scanning it, exploring it in hopes of finding anything useful. His first thought was to search through Vegas' desk. There might have been a pen or something that he could tamper with the lock with.

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