Chapter II: 10 Years Later

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Y/n pov
My alarm was blaring for me to get up I roll over and knock it down and sleep further then I felt my sheets being pulled of I shiver at the swift change of temperature in my body. I look up to see Viola grinning. I turn over and go back to sleep.
"Y/n come on. Time to get uuup. Your going to late."
Viola said I got up and went to the bath room and cleaned my self up and put on some make up.
I look at the mirror and told my self.
'today is the day I tell him. I have to there is no harm in trying right?' I got ready went down stairs said goodbye to my family and ran to school I turn the corner to see my best friend/Crush
Katsuki Bakugou
He is never not on my mind.(If you know the reference, we are friends;)
I had tried so many to confess, trying to tell him I like him, hell I even asked mummy for help.
I just can't muster up the bravery to tell him.
"Morning Katsuki!" I exclaimed gleefully
"Morning Dumbass..."
If your wondering why he said that well you see over the years Katsuki has... Changed
He swears why more the ever. He is rude and he also bullies Izuku.
I always had to step in to keep him in check. It was basically my job now.
As we were walking to school I noticed him staring at me. When I looked at him he looked away
I wonder why he was looking at me?
We got to school and our class room and went to our respective desks. As class went on the teacher explained that it was the last few days of middle school and we had to decide were we would like to study.
"Bakugou you said that you were going to apply for UA correct?"
Bakugou just nodded at the teacher and started boasting about him being beter then everyone in class
Everyone was angry at him for degrading them. I on the other hand didn't care were I ended up as long as I'm with him. Izuku was asked the same question and he said he was also applying for UA which made everyone laugh at him, why because he is quirkless.
As the day came to an end everyone said their goodbye and left I waited for Katsuki and his friends. Izuku was still here aswell. Katsuki confronted him and told him to go take a swan dive of the roof, which angered me.
Why is he being so mean towards Izuku? Just because he is quirkless does not mean he can't be a hero.
We all left and went to the shop and got sodas Katsuki grabbed me a (F/s) and it was a (F/F) one he knew my favorite flavor ever since childhood.
They were talking about skipping school and what not, I was not paying attention. Suddenly I felt a something watching me I turn around to see a gooey monster
Well at least it's not a giant cockroach or tenticals
But it was still gross.
Katsuki and I attacked it but to no avail.
"Well looky here, two kids with very strong quirks. Oh yes I'll enjoy devouring you."
It said with a grin we tried to run but it was to late, I forgot to activate witch time and got us caught.
We were struggling and trashing trying to get away from the monster but it only suffocated us more.
I look at Katsuki and he looked at me we reached out to each other.
Our hands nearly joined until
"Hahahahahaaa Have no fear for
I look and saw a muscular man with blond hair standing in front of the monster. It was All Might
"Detroit smaaaaash!!" All Might yells out his signature move but the monster pushed back.
*Bang bang bang*
I heard gun shots I look in the direction of the shots and saw
"You know it's very rude to devour people's children, right?
Now I'll ask only once.
Releas my daughter and future son in law ."
(Bayonetta ships you and katsuki btw😜)
I felt my cheek heat up at what Mummy said
She summoned madama butterflies arms and started to punch the goo monster along with All Might
After the fight was over I fell to my knees tears running down my cheek.
Mummy ran to me and hugged me I cried into her shoulder.
"Shh come on now Y/n no crying, your a big girl now, aren't you?"
I kept on crying.
My life had flashed before my eyes.
I look around and saw Katsuki sitting on the floor mad. I guess i won't tell him today... maybe one day. I got up and walked home with mummy.
We walked inside and i was jumped onto by daddy in a hug.
"Oh my Pitit File are you ok?!" He asked worried
"Im fine daddy... really. Im just going to go upstairs and get some rest" i said and walked upstairs.

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