Chapter VII:Into The Night

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That dream.... For the past few days I have been dreaming about it and that woman.
The chaos.... The cries of War and pain...

I sigh and got up and took a nice hot bath and washed my hair and body. After being done Carla woke up
"Still not a morning person huh Carla~" I teased her with a small smirk as I dry my hair.
She shook her hair as her her was now a mess.
"Don't start Y/n please" she said still sleepy.
I chuckle and got out my straightening iron and blow dryer and plug them in and did my hair.
I noticed the time and saw it was only 11.30pm at night... 'Strange I thought it was 4.30am'.
After a few minutes I heard Carla come out and noticed her hair was super short now like a pixie cut
"You cut your hair off?" I asked her ammused at her new look
"Yeah long hair was such a hastle how do you even maintain it?" she asked me and I just shrugged it off.
After finishing me and Carla watched some YouTube videos.
Until the late night news came up
"This just in, reports are saying that 10 villains are busy robbing the bank and have hostiges with them"the reporter said and me and Carla look at each other and nodded.
I put on my heels and butterfly mask and she put on her cat mask. We flew in the direction of the robbery and land on the roof.
"Look up there!" someone in the crowd yelled pointing at us.
I look at Carla with a smirk
CUTIE C AND BAYONETTA ARE HER!" she yelled and we struck our poses as we ripped of our outfits and our hair wrapped around our bodies forming our umbran costumes.
We jump down and stood infront of the police
" Just let us handle this officers~"I said seductively and wink. The officer nodded and still had their guns then I realized me and Carla forgot our guns
" Carla it seems we forgot our guns"I said to her with a disappointed look
"Ugh it would seem so" she said and turned to the officers
"May we borrow 8 of your hand guns?" she asked them.
"Uhhm me sure go a head" The officer said and they hand us each four guns.
We smirk and I lick my lips.
We strut into the bank and the villains turn to us.
"Who the hell are you bitches?!" he said pointing his dagger at us
"You'll find out soon enough ~" I said and got into my battle stance along with Carla
"You mother fucker" Carla stated after me and we charge at them.
We dodge and weave their attacks like nothing.
I sense one going for a back shot and I turned on witch time around me and Carla and with speed and agility we attack each one of them.
Time then resumes and the last one was left standing and he looked at what just happened and saw his friends unconscious and he shook in fear.
"Who are you people?!" he asked in fear
"The Kind of witches you don't fuck with" I said confidently and we hit him back and forth doing combined combos.
I hit him into the air and Carla followed up with an after burner kick and kicked him down towards me.
I adjust my glasses and did a witch twist but with me feet and did a final kick to his chest and the Carla did a downward
afterburner and knocked him out. We escort the hostiges out side and the people started to cheer.
I smirk and somthing hug my leg.
I looked down and saw a little girl.
"Thank you fo saving my mommy miss!" she explained and smiled brightly.
I smiled down at her and bent down
"Your welcome little one" I said to her and she ran to her mom.
"Let's go Y/-I mean Bayonetta"
Carla said and I nodded and we flew with our butterfly wing into the moonlight.
"We did good Carla" I said as we flew
"Indeed" she smiled and we flew of into the night
Damage:no damage


Main result:pure platinum
"That was a good fight~"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2024 ⏰

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