Chapter VI:Dorms

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Y/n pov:
I woke up to the sound of beeping, my eyes flutter open to a bright light in my eyes, I instantly winced at the brightness. I sat up but a seering pain shot through me and I groan at the pain.
I look around and realized that I was in a hospital bed, I look at the bed side table and saw my glasses, when did I remove those?
I grabbed my glasses and put the on. I tried to get my bearings until the room's door opened and in came a old lady I knew all to well
"... Recovery girl?" I asked and look at her in question.
"Oh your awake I see" she said with a sweet smile.
"How long was I out for?" I asked her while holding my stomach in pain.
I took notice that I had a bandage wrapped around my waist.
"Oh only for a day sweetie, you know everyone is worried about you" she said while walking up to me
"One day! But how?" I asked shook at what she said
"Mhmm you took a mighty blow from that nomu, child" she said as she walked up a stool to reach me on the bed.
"Now then I'll have to remove these bandages" she said and motion at the bandage around my waist
I nodded and let her unwrap it I the notice alot of gifts beside my bed with a lot of balloons and stuffed animals.
"Oh my it seems you're all healed child but how is that possible? Last time I saw you're injury I thought you would have a permanent scar but that scar is gone" she said while examining my stomach and chest area.
I heard the door open and saw my family walking in.
"Mummy... I-" I was cut off by her
"Shh it's alright little one, you did what you had to, even if it was reckless of you but you stood your ground in the face of danger" she said with a smirk and adjust her glasses.
"But I failed Mummy... I'm not fit to be called Bayonetta..." I said with tears welling up but I kept my composure.
Mummy's heels clicked as she walked up to my bed and sat down next to me in a stylish way as always.
"Y/n, our family mantel isn't about not failing, it's about what's in here" she said pointing at my heart
"My heart?" I asked her and she nodded.
"Being an umbra witch isn't about always winning it's about fighting till the bitter end until you can't anymore and when that time comes your heart will shatter and you'll know your time has come." she said looking down a bit
"Mummy? What's wrong?" I asked her a little bit concerned
"can you all give us a minute?" she asked our family and everyone nodded.
The rest left and it was just me and my mummy in the room
"Y/n I'm going to tell you the story of my life when I was little so you better listen alright?" I nodded at her statement
" *sigh*.... When I was born I was born not a full blooded umbra.. I was a mix between a forbidden union between a Luman sage, my father and a umbra witch, my mother, they where star crossed lovers who made me. Growing up I had no friends, I was an outcast of the clan, as I grew up I was taught by a witch named Morgana, your father's mother, and believe it or not your father was also a outcast." she said and I saw a bit of tears run down her face
She whipped them away
" When I was 12 I set out to find my mummy in the avalon forest. I was met by this boy, your father
His name was Lukaon and he helped me find her but it was a trap for me so he could free his mother, the only person who cared for me was your auntie, Jeanne. She saved me. And as I grew up I realized I was a powerful witch almost as powerful as my mummy.... When I reached my 20's your auntie had to seal me away along with the most treasured artifact of the umbra witches, the left eye, when I woke up I had no memory of who I was. In the end I regained my memories and fractions of my past. After that I fought my own father who tried to bring back the creator, Jubilleeus, I stopped him along side your aunt by summoning Shiba queen of inferno.
And through the years I have been on many adventures. When I had you I knew that you would one day surpass me and your father. But only time will tell. For now your still a witch in training, a brave one at that" she said smirking and hugged me
"Mummy... Thank you" I said and hugged her back
She rubbed my back and we pulled away
"Now then Y/n lets get you back home" she said standing up and offers me her hand and I gladly took it.
(Timeskip brought to you by-
When I got home I laid down on my bed and turned on my phone and I was bombarded with text messages from my friends asking if I was okay. So I replied and they all seemed to calm down.
"Hey Y/n our parents need us down stairs real quick" Carla said while standing at the door I nodded and jump up from my bed and walked down stairs with her.

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