Chapter V:USJ Villains Attack

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Today's the day we left for some hero training as Mr aizawa informed us and I was a bit excited to see where my mummy and daddy trained to be amazing heros.
"Everyone in a single file line please seating arrangements are already set!" Iida yelled but nobody listened to him and stormed onto the bus and sat where ever they wanted.
Me and Carla sat down together and started to talk about new hero costumes.
"So who do you guess think has the strongest quirk here in our class?" denki asked and kirishima replied
"Well that's hard I mean bakugou has a pretty strong quirk and so does todoroki but I gotta say.. Y/n and Carla have the same powers and their stronger than everyone here! And their quirks are pretty manly or womenly?" he said smiling brightly.
Me and Carla smirk and I adjust my glasses.
" Please kirishima same powers huh! Don't make me laugh" Carla said flipping her platinum blond hair behind her shoulder while her bang over her eye stays in place.
"Tch! You two bitches-I mean witches think your all that and more but one day I'll show you that I'm stronger than you two!!"
Bakugou said angrly and I laughed a bit
"Ohh please bakugou you think you can step up to the strength of an umbra witch? You think you'll survive our grueling training we umbra do? Belive me back in history when umbra witches quirk started to form there where some women who died during training... Umbra witch are the types of witches you shouldn't fuck with so If I were you I'd shut my mouth before this witch shoves a gun down your throat!" I said to him with a dominant and seductive voice and adjust my glasses. He turns around and muttered to himself angrly.
We arrived at the USJ and we were met with pro hero thirteen
"Greetings students and welcome to USJ here we're going to show you how to be a true hero!" thirteen exclaimed happily and showed us around the USJ.
Aizawa was about to speak but a purple portal opens to reveal villains.
"Were is the simbol of peace All might we're here to end his career!" a guy with light blue hair and a hand over his face yelled.
Everyone was shocked except me because Madama Khepri showed me a vision that this would happen.
"Thirteen protect the kids and call the other heros while I distract them!" aizawa yells and runs off.
Before thirteen could speak izuku spoke up
"We have to help! It's what we are trained to do isn't it?!" I mean he had a point being but..
"Midoriya those are the league of villains the most powerful villains in Japan. We have to evacuate immediately!" thirteen said and used her powers to teleport us.
I got sent to some random place and my head started to hurt from being teleported so suddenly.
" Y/n!" I looked and saw Carla next to me trying to get me up
"Ugh that was not pleasant at all"
I said holding my head
"No time we've got company" Carla said looking in front of us and saw alot of villains running our way.
I got up and pull out my guns and Carla did the same"Let's go.. " she said and we looked at each other and run at the villain and transfomed into our demon mascerades
We flew at the villains and stood in front of them
"*wolf whistle* well well look what we got here boys some new toys! We'll be gentle ladies" the leader said and I turn around and said
"Ugh that's no why to talk to a lady, didn't your mum teach you that?" I said adjusting my glasses with my gun.
"Tch whatever slut! Get them boys!" the leader said and the men changed at us.
"Carla lets show these boys why you don't fuck with a witch" I said smirking
"Indeed Y/n" she said nodding her head
And we started to dance and chant.
I did my summon and called malphes
"ZILDAR VIPHAA!" My hair swirled around my body to cover my naked parts and out came malphes and squeaked. I did my demon slave dance and commanded malphes to form a tornado. "Unleash it!" I said and malphes forms a tornado to suck up all the villains.
"Carla you're turn!" I said still dancing.
She smirked and summons phantasmaranea
"MALPRIG ROR!" Her hair swirls but she had on a suit so she wasn't backed but her hair still went around her body and out came the spider of flames.
"You called master?" it spoke and Carla replied "why don't you burn these boys to a crisp!"
She said doing a demon slave dance and phantasmaranea shot flames out it's mouth into the tornado and it forms a fire tornado.
The tornado stops and the men fell from the sky all burnt up with serious burn wounds.
"And that's how it's done boys!" I said with a smile and adjust my glasses and me and Carla high five each other.
"Let's go help the others Carla" I said and Carla nodded
We flew in our demon mascerade forms to find the others. We came across izuku, tsu and mineta being attacked my underwater villains.
One went to jump onto tsu from behind but he was to slow.
I real back my arm and sent a punch at the villain and out came madama Khepri's hand and punched the villain away.
"AHHH!" the villain yelled and went flying.
"Y/n! Carla! You guys OK?" izuku asked and I nodded
"Thank you for the help Y/n I really appreciate it" tsu said
"Your welcome now lets go help Mr Aizawa" I said and everyone nodded and we ran in Mr aizawa's direction.
We arrived and saw the horror in front of us. A Nomu... Daddy told me about these things but this one is different it looked stronger and faster.
It had beaten up Mr aizawa to a pulp leaving him bloody and with a broken arm.
Everyone else arrived and saw this aswell and we were in shock.
I ran in and attack the Nomu with my wicked weaves punch.
"Flock off!" I said and it went flying.
I turned and saw Mr aizawa looking up at me.
"Y-y/n get away from here... T-take everyone and r-run away" he said weakly and I shook my head.
"Sorry that I was unfasionably late Mr aizawa but to make up for it I'm going to fight because that's what a hero does!" I said with confidence and I pull my hair loose and it flows behind me indacating I activated umbran climax. I stomped my foot down on the ground and my gun clicked with my heel and I aim one gun at the reapprouching Nomu.
".. Rest Mr Aizawa... I'm off to get that black cat!" I said and lunge at the Nomu.
I did a series of combos and with every punch and kick wicked weaves came.
But one of the worst things happened and my magic ran out.
"Shit!" I yelled and my hair goes back into place as it was before.
The Nomu took the opportunity to punch me in the gut into the air. I coughed up blood and vomit, it was gross.
It jumps up at my and I noticed it aiming for my watch and I used the last bit of strength left and blocked the attack with the moon of Mahaa khalaa "Not quite!" I said blocking the attack.
I fell to the ground so I waited fro the impact to happen but it never came.
I open my eyes and saw bakugou holding me in his arms.
I nodded as a thanks and got out of this hold. I stood up but fell to one knee.
"Y/n!" Carla yelled and I hold up my hand.
"I-I'm fine Carla."i said and blood came out from the corner of my mouth.
I got up and summon Gommorah
I dance with the last bit of strength and it followed my order and it shot a death beam at the nomu. The nomu was still standing and Gomorrah returns to inferno and then I fell into darkness.
"Y/n! Nooo! Come on dump-----w#$& & @$" I couldn't hear anything....

Bakugou pov
"Y/n Nooo!" I yelled and caught her in my arms once more then I shook her a bit.
"Come on dump ass wake up!! Y/n come on we need you in this fight damn it!!...... I need you in this fight..." I muttered the last part softly. Can't believe I fell for this Girl. Everything about her..
Her laugh
Her smile
Her confidence
Her power
Her body
Her eyes,those beautiful silver blue eyes. (or whatever color eyes you want I don't care)
I can't believe what I said to her back at the first day of school.
I'm such a dumb ass.
Please... Y/n, I'm sorry for that day... I didn't mean it. I dont know what came over me.... I guess I was just jealous of you and who you were.
I look up to see Y/n friend Carla trying to wake her aswell
"Come on Y/n wake up! Wake up you fool!"
She yelled shaking Y/n but she didn't wake up at all.
Then we hear gun shots and the nomu was shoot in the back.
"Does anyone mind if I cut in? Wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes" it was her Y/n's mom. Bayonetta.
"Those distant hear the sound those closeby... see the spectical... Evil doers fear final just! As the platnum knight has arrived to defend the weak and inoccent! Cutie J is here!" Carla's mom said her hero fraze.
They stood in front of the villains with other pro heros.
"Hey kid!" I looked up and saw strider, Y/n's dad
"Give her this" he said and tossed a green lollipop at me
"it'll heal her wounds I gotta go help" he said and transfomed into his fairie wolf form.
In the end the heros won and the villains fled away.
Y/n mom came up to me
"give her to me ill take care of her.." she said with a smirk
"No... I'll take her..." I said and got up carrying her in my arms to recovery girls. Her dad was right her wounds were healing. I pull out the lollipop stick from her mouth and she curld up into my arms whimpering
".... Hmhp... Mummy..." she said softly which melted my heart..
I can't let her go... I can never let her go....
"I'll always be there... Y/n.. I'm sorry" I said to her softly.
I made it to recovery girl and informed the old lady about what happened and she started treating her.
'Y/n I really am sorry.'i thought to myself while sitting next to her bed.
I pull off her glasses and set them on the side of her bed side table.
I got up and was about to leave but I turned around and gave her a kiss on the forehead and left blushing...
"Get well soon Y/n..."
With that I left her... Alone...



"Hehehehehe, Bang"

(Heya my lovely witches, sages and non-binary mages sorry if bakugou seems a bit ooc but it's what I have planned for the story a bit😉 but anyway hope you enjoyed chapter V, and as you can see I changed the numbers to look like Bayonetta's chapter select numbers lol... Bye bye for now!! 👋👋❤️)

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