autumn leaves

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As the seasons change,
the world shifts.
Things that were once
considered so bright and so wonderful,
are now looked upon as dark and gloomy.

The days which were too hot,
the ones that made sweat drip from the sides our skulls,
are now wished for as white freezes the tips of our fingers.

A dream,
which isn't much of dream,
but more of a manifestation
of what could be,
will change with the seasons.
It will grow with the cracking bones and twisted knuckles of a child.
Will shift into something beautiful and unique or perhaps,
something shadowed and ugly.

It is not for us to know our tomorrow,
to understand the intricate ties
that Destiny has grappled to the strings of our humanity.
it is up to us to live precariously.
To live for the now,
to breath in,
and to embrace our surroundings.

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