- Candace | The Final Dawn

433 5 16

Requested by Nikorite_
Angsty oneshot wooooo
tysm for requesting
really enjoyed writing this one :DD
btw this will be switching povs
Word count: 1203


The world is a cruel place.

Not everyone can control everything.

Even the electro archon can't control all thunder, the anemo archon can't control all wind... and the dendro archon can't control all natural incidents.

Such is the cruelty of existing... and the even with [Y/N].

[Y/N] was one of the residents of Aaru Village for a while now. They were born here and raised here. They had a good reputation around the city,and piqued the interest of multiple important people of the village.

One of these people being the village guardian, Candace.

[Y/N] being you.

Getting recognized by Candace was still considered to be a big deal, even if said guardian was very nice and friendly to everyone.

You were eager to help people therefore got into Candace's area of observation. You two became close friends afterwards and had a great relationship.

It was also not exactly a secret that you kinda liked her.

I mean, who wouldn't? She was pretty. And strong. It was perfect wife material.

You wished your story to have a happy ending. It should've, right? Every story ended that way.


"Mom, dad, I'm leaving!" you waved and shouted at your parents who were standing at the door. "We careful dear, okay?" your mom responded, worriedly. "The terrain is so vast a-"

"Come on, mom!" you laughed it off. "I've been doing this for multiple years! It's not like I'll randomly die or something, don't worry!"

"...Okay, then, but please be safe!" your mother insisted. "Your mother doesn't want to see you get any sort of injury, you know her." your dad backed you up a little. "I think you'll be fine. But please be careful."

You let out a sigh. "I will, I will." you chuckled. "Alright, I'm leaving! I'll be back in a week!"

And there began your journey.

It's time to give some context as to what you were doing: So let's do that.

You were an experienced expeditioner in the desert. Your abilities were widely known around the entirety of Sumeru. Because of that advantage you had, people were constantly asking you to help them. However, this time, it was different. Some scholars from Sumeru were asking your cooperation about some papers they were planning to write about the ancient pyramid ruins in the desert. You knew all of them throughly, and the pay was good, so you said, why not, and you went there.

You did feel bad about leaving your family and friends back there at Aaru, but it was just for a week. You'd be back soon enough.

You had packed enough water and food to get to the meeting spot, so you just walked until you arrived to the Mausoleum of King Deshret. However, on your way there, you noticed some irregularities.

Halfway through the way, while you were wandering around, there were some papers scattered across the desert sand. Along with the papers, there were backpacks, as well as a straight line of sand formed into the ground... oh. Wait a minute.

Your eyes widened as you realized was might've happened. "A straight line... messy belongings... they couldn't have gotten caught up in a sandstorm, could they?"

Then it hit.

"If it's this much of a messy line, then.. the sandstorm..!"

The sand getting absorbed by the wind is all you saw as you blacked out.


A few hours after [Y/N] had left, a massive sandstorm had hit Aaru Village. Everyone took cover in their houses, so not much damage was inflicted on the city. However, Candace had to look out to see what the sandstorm brought. There were many people involved, such as...

"Akademiya scholars?" Candace asked, a bit curious as to how they got here. She checked their pulse.

"...It's too late for them." she said, her mood getting ruined already. She called some of the residents and asked them to help bury these scholars. That'd be fine if that was-


Panicking, Candace pulled her friend from the rubble and picked them up, carrying them into the village keeper's house. [Y/N]'s parents were also there, so they followed behind Candace.

Candace put [Y/N] on the bed, getting bandages and focusing on their wounds.

Their parents were told to sit around as well, who were equally if not more worried than Candace herself.

Candace went ahead to prepare some dishes. "Please alert me if she wakes up." she said, looking at [Y/N]'s parents. She was about to leave until-

"...H...Huh...?" [Y/N] mattered.

"[Y/N]?" their parents and Candace screamed both, however the village guardian was a bit faster to hold your face. "You're awake? How do you feel?"

"I'm... tired..." They spelled out, unable to move, not even opening their eyes. It was clear they were exhausted.

"It's fine. You can rest as long as you want," their mom commented. "We will be here for you all the way."

"No, I..." [Y/N] mumbled. "I think I-" they couldn't finish that as they started coughing up sand.

"No, [Y/N], stay with me, please." Candace said, starting to sob at this point, putting her head on top of [Y/N]'s. [Y/N] however just smiled to that and tried to get up a little.

"If you need something, we can get it for you." their dad said, preparing to head out. "What do you need? Water?"

Seeing the response with a slight nod from their child, their dad nodded as well and headed out to the kitchen. [Y/N] also muttered out a "Something... to eat..." so their mok got busy too, which worked, so now they were all alone with Candace.

"...[Y/N]." Candace asked, "Why are you-"

"Shhh..." [Y/N] responded. "I didn't want them to see me dying..."

"No, no, you're not dying." Candace held [Y/N]'s haands, kind of begging her. "I became a guardian to stop losses of people who are loved. I love you, [Y/N], your parents do, the village does, I can't let you die like this...!"

[Y/N] had a smile on their face. "You know..." they said, "Come on... send me off with a kiss, then..." with a little smirk. Bro ended uo being cocky even when dying.

Candace's eyes widened as you both pulled in for a kiss, crying, just having a desperate last minute moment (it's 2 am send help).

The kiss was beautiful. It felt like it was an ethereal thing, a moment from heaven, and maybe would be the happiest moment of someone's life. However, it didn't last long, as Candace pulled out...

[Y/N]'s pulse was gone.

Goodbye, sweet childhood memories. Maybe if you had more time together, you'd have enjoyed this more... but nothing lasts firever. Every story has it's final page.


goofy ahhh fic

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