Part 1: Chapter 16: Trip into the Archives

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It was another lovely day in the world of Amphibia, and Frank, Anne, and the kids were sitting together on Bessie as Hop Pop drove. Where he was taking them was a place Frank and Anne never been to during their time in the valley. They were driving down a road in the middle of a vast grassy steppe with nothing but a few weeds and some cat tails. Much different from the swamps and forest they were used to. Frank looked to the left and saw the mountains. Even from where he was, they were massive.

"Now, remember, gang," said Hop Pop, bringing Frank's attention back to him. "The mountain pass will clear up in one week. Meaning, it's almost time to leave this valley and find Frank and Anne a way home."

"Whoo! Love that!" Anne exclaimed with her bow and arrows on her back, more than ready to leave Amphibia.

"I'll say. I'm ready to leave this world," Frank said, leaning back on the saddle. "So, who's ready for the quest?"

"Yeah!" Sprig said, hopping on the back of the backrest. "Excitement!"

"Sights!" Polly exclaimed.

"And you know the best way to start a quest?" Hop Pop said, eagered to tell them what he was going to say.

"Danger?" Asked Sprig, excitedly grinning.

"Weapons?" Polly added in.

"Nope! Research!" Hop Pop answered with a proud tone. However, the kids, not sharing the same enthusiasm that he had about researching before their journey, groaned together. "Oh, come on, gang. We'll never get Frank and Anne home if we get bitten to death by a venomous snake fly," Hop Pop said, as Frank looked out at the steppe.

Far away from the road, he saw a snake fly that rose up and hissed at him when they made eye contact.

"Or eaten to death by a camouflaged sod skink," Hop Pop said, before a sod skink appeared and killed the snake fly.

"Or crushed to death by a sand liger," Hop Pop, before a sand liger appeared out of nowhere and killed the sod skink. Dragged its body towards it and started devouring it with savage hunger. All while Frank watched from the snail. With a disturbed expression on his face, he turned back to face forward.

"Point taken," he said, clenching onto the seat.

Soon, they arrived at their destination, the Historic Wartwood Town Archives. It wasn't really much to look at from the outside. The stone building was tiny, with a single wooden door. On top of it was a statue of a frog in a robe holding a book. Next to it stood the archive's sign, which, in Frank's own opinion, was in much better condition than the building.

However, Sprig groaned again. "The town archives?" He complained, before slipping down onto Frank's lap with a grunt. The young boy glared at the frog as Sprig continued complaining. "This place is dustier than Dusty's dustbin."

"Who?" Polly asked.

"Come on. You know Dusty," Sprig said, still not getting off of Frank's lap. "Local dust merchant. Friendly, always smiling, sells dust."

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Right." Polly said, waving her flipper at him.

"Yeah, I caught him trying to dig through my pants for lint," Frank said as he grabbed Sprig, lifted him up, before dropping him on the ground. He then got up with Anne and the two hopped down from the saddle.

"I get this place," Anne said with a smile in realization and turned to Frank. "It's like a library from home. Zoobooks and manga, here I come!"

"Enough chatter, you four. Time to hit the books," Hop Pop proclaimed, opening the frog size door to the archives. Anne grabbed Polly from the saddle and carried her as she and Frank walked together to the archives. However, Sprig hopped onto the saddle, determined to change their minds.

Living in a Frog World (Male OC x Anne Boonchuy)Where stories live. Discover now