Part 2: Chapter 6: Leviathan's Puzzle

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Of all the cities that Frank had been to in the weird and wonderful world of Amphibia, Newtopia was truly a spectacular place to be in. It had only been one day since he and his friends made it to the capital city of the kingdom, and the experience was like night and day. Outside the walls was a land of savage beasts and grizzly deaths, with small villages with strange people like Wartwood. Inside the walls, however, was a civilized city with modern commodities.

For example, fast food.

"Enjoy, everyone!" Marcy said to her friends. "This place makes the best beetle burger in all of Newtopia!"

The gang was currently at a burger place, only with beetle beef instead of cow beef. However, as Frank sank his teeth into the burger, he couldn't tell the difference. In fact, it was supremely delicious. He sat between Anne and Marcy at an outside table, situated near the front door.

"Marcy, this is awesome," Frank said with a mouth full of beetle food.

"Thanks. Actually, it was Yunan who showed me this place," Marcy said, pulling out her journal. "You'd like her."

Frank swallowed the food and smiled at Marcy, remembering just how great it was to be around her. Perhaps it was nostalgia, but the Hispanic boy had forgotten how much fun it was to be around Marcy—when he or Anne weren't trying to keep her from getting herself killed. The girl practically radiated sunshine, and after how much of a jerk he was to her, Frank didn't want to lose that sunshine in his bleak life.

"So, so what you got there," he asked, pointing to her journal.

"Oh, just my journal," Marcy said, presenting a notebook with an outward-covered spine. The front and back covers were a mauve color, with the spine cover having a darker tint. The cover was filled with stickers of a bow and arrow and a chicken. The pages are yellow in tone and are filled with sticky notes and tabs. "I like jottin' down theories and observations. You know, all about indigenous fauna, medicinal techniques, customs, and nuances of Amphibious species-based caste systems..."

"Boooooorrrrring!" said Polly.

"Sometimes, I even do drawings," Marcy said, showing Polly her drawing of the pollwog with the burger she'd just devoured burger. Only it was much more realistic.

Polly gasped, and her eyes sparkled. "It looks just like me."

"Wow!" Hop Pop said, further impressed with Marcy. He then turned his head to the human boy. "Frank, do you do that in your journal?"

"No, I mostly document our adventures, including some personal stuff," Frank said, pulling out his journal. The last time he'd written in it was about the cave drawing he saw in the mountains. Since then, he hadn't written about anything else.

"Oh, can I see it?" Marcy reached out to grab the journal, only to have her hand slapped.

"Don't just grab things that aren't yours," he said. The last thing he wanted was for Marcy, or worse, Anne, to discover the mural he saw. "You don't see me going through your diaries."

"Well, what about you, Anne?" Marcy looked at her best friend.

Anne, however, was too busy with two straws up her nose. "Look, guys! I'm a straw-lrus," she said with a big grin on her face. "Like a walrus, but with straws!"

Sprig laughed and slapped his knee. "What's a walrus," he asked.

The group was then approached by their server, who was holding up the bill, which was written on a wooden board. "Now, who should I give the bill to?" He took one glance at Anne and said, "Probably not you."

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