Part 2 Chapter 2: The Night Feeder

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It's been a few days since the family had their adventure in the underground factory. The road to Newtopia has been progressing rather well so far. The only other adventure they had was when they came across a town of tiny frogs that were being targeted by a ruthless gang.

Turns out those guys could get vicious when pushed to the brink.

Now the family had made a stop in a forest. Anne and the Plantars were setting up camp. Sprig pitched the tent, and the Thai girl placed a picnic blanket on a cut tree stump. Polly hopped around, gathering firewood off the forest floor.

Frank, on the other hand, was messing with his phone.

Holding it up and with his arm out, he pressed record. "Oye, mamá y papá. It's me, Frank. So...uh, it's been a while since we talked. I know this isn't how you wanted to see me. Being stuck in another world," he said into the phone. "Hop Pop said that pretending to talk to you could help with my problems. So, here we are. On our way to Newtopia to figure out a way home. I know that my, uh, scars might be scaring you, máma, but I can assure you that I'm doing fine.

"In fact, I'm doing better than fine. This entire adventure in Amphibia has been so... therapeutic—healing for me. I-I'm starting to feel like the old me more and more. And it all thanks to someone very special to me."

Frank walked over to Anne and wrapped an arm around her. Initially surprised, Anne smiled and blushed when she realized it was her BFF.

"I think you know this lovely lady, Mom. She's a giant pain in your ass and has been the best friend and partner I could ask for. Give it up for Anne Boonchuy!" He stepped back to allow the Thai girl to be the only one in the video.

"Hey, Ramirez family!" she said, smiling and waving to the camera. "It's your girl, Anne! First, please let my family know that I'm okay. Second, we're doing just great. We'll be home before you know it. Also, sorry for being a bad student, Mrs. Ramirez."

Frank then turned the phone back to himself. "And then, of course, we have the Plantars. The frog family that's been caring for us since coming here. First, we have Sprig," he said. Frank turned the camera to his best froggy friend.

"Hey!" Sprig waved to the camera. However, he was still holding the wooden mallet in his hand. The little frog wasn't paying attention and hit his eye with the tool. "Ow!"

"Polly." Frank pointed the camera at the little tadpole.

Polly waved her flipper. "Hi!"

"And Hop Pop." Frank aimed the phone over to Hop Pop. The old orange frog was cooking the family's meal inside a boiling pot. He'd told the kids that he was going to surprise the kids with dinner, exciting the grandkids and two teenagers. "You guys can thank this old frog for caring for us and feeding me and Anne."

"And speaking of feeding, dinner's ready," Hop Pop said, smiling. After pulling the food out of the pot, he placed it on a tray. Covering it with a metal cover, he carried the dish to Frank, Anne, Polly, and Sprig.

The five of them have been traveling for a few days. The trip had led to them having to ration their food. However, they were instantly excited when Hop Pop promised them a surprise meal. The kids cheered as they ran over to the tree stump and sat down. Ready to have a proper meal for the first time since leaving the valley.

"Now, hold onto your butts." Hop Pop then took off the lid in a dramatic fashion. "Bam! Stick surprise!"

Frank, Anne, Sprig, and Polly looked at what was supposed to be their food. They're unable to hide their disappointment. Just as the old frog said, he had served them a stick as food. Nothing was added to it when he was boiling it in the pot. It was just a little stick that he got from the ground.

Living in a Frog World (Male OC x Anne Boonchuy)Where stories live. Discover now