Part 1: Chapter 23: Calamity Wakes

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The day Frank lost his friends happened three years ago.

The day before was the first time the girls tried to ditch school and have fun at the arcade. However, Frank didn't go with them, saying that he didn't want to get in trouble just because Sasha wanted to have fun. The blonde girl didn't like that but angrily left with the other girls.

However, they were soon picked up by police and forced back to the school. The principal called their parents, and all three girls were grounded until the end of the month.

"I can't believe that jerk ratted on us!" Sasha yelled, punching the lock next to her.

"Who?" Anne asked, confused.

"Who do you think? Frank! He was the only one that knew about our plan and decided he was too good to come with us," Sasha said, pacing around with an angry expression.

"Whoa, Frank wouldn't do that. He's our friend." Anne told her, trying to calm her friend down.

However, Sasha didn't calm down. The more she thought about it, the more she realized it. Frank's been getting a little too bold for her liking. He's been argumentative, disagreeing with her plans, and hasn't followed her lead like Anne and Marcy. She didn't like that. And she doesn't like keeping things she doesn't like.

Sasha's come to dislike Frank since he started glowing a little backbone and wanted him gone.

"You know, I've been thinking, Anne," Sasha said, turning around with a hand on her chin. With a smirk, she started her explanation. "I just don't think this whole four-friends group is really working. But three? That's a real friend group."

Anne's eyes slowly widened as she backed up a bit. "Wait, what are you talking about," the 10-year-old Thai girl asked. Her gut started turning, feeling that what Sasha had to say wasn't good.

And unfortunately, she was proven right when Sasha's smirk grew. "Look, Frank's a good guy, but I think it's time to say goodbye to our little friend."

"What?! I can't do that!" Anne exclaimed, shocked and appalled by Sasha's suggestion. "We can't do that. Frank's been our friend since kindergarten. He's been my friend since we were in daycare. I...I can't just let that all go."

Seeing that Anne wasn't going with what she wanted, Sasha's expression became stern. She started walking towards Anne, making her walk back to keep some distance between them. "Oh, I understand, Anne. You're a good little girl who loves her mommy and daddy, who's been best friends with a boy for years. But don't you think it's time to move on? Think about it. Wouldn't you rather hang out with your friends that love you? Marcy would agree. Why have one when you can have two?"

Anne felt her back touch the lockers, and Sasha stopped before her. She was looking at her expectantly. However, Anne was still hesitant. She didn't want to stop being Frank's friend. However, disagreeing would mean Sasha would dump her too.

"Sasha, I really think we should—" Anne was stopped when Sasha slammed one hand on the locker beside her head and held up her hand.

"Anne, this isn't cute anymore. Perhaps you need a reminder of what friends do for each other." She said, poking Anne in the chest with a stern glare. "If a friend likes a pencil case, you get it for them. If your friend likes your new shoes, you give them to her. And if a friend wants you to ditch a boy, then you do it, because that's what friends do, Anne! And if you're not willing to do that for me, then we're no longer friends. End. Of. Discussion."

There it was, the one praise that gave Sasha the power to make Anne do whatever she wanted. Sasha always said that when Anne argued with her because the blonde knew Anne had no spine. Just the threat of ending their friendship, a friendship they had since kindergarten, was enough to make her bend to her will. But this was Frank she was talking about. The kindest boy in the world. She wanted to stand up to her friend but feared losing Sasha and Marcy.

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