Part 1: Chapter 9: TERROR Under the BLOOD MOON

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On this bright and sunny day, Frank was assisting the Plantars with packing their camping gear and supplies for their faithful snail, Bessie. After strapping down the last of the supplies, he moved around the side of the giant snail and rubbed her neck. Bessie made a sound of appreciation and licked the side of his head.

"Heh, stop it, girl," he said. He gently pushed her away from him. "Alright, Hop Pop, that's all the gear."

"Thanks, Frank," the old frog said.

Just then, the front door opened and Anne came running out of the house with something in her hand. "Guys! I brought a bath bomb from home and didn't even know it! Oh, yeah! Man, I can't wait to try this baby out," she said, holding up a bath bomb that had a mixture of pink, purple, and light blue colors.

"Where are you going to even try it out in?" Frank walked over and took the bath bomb, looking at the tag that said 'Peony Princess. "Me and Hop Pop are still trying to fix the bathtub."

Anne took her bath bomb back. "I'll just use it in the lake," she said, before her attention was grabbed by the packing the Plantars were doing. "Uh...You guys going somewhere?"

"Yep. The three of us are going to Camp Phlegmington." Sprig said. "Gonna rough it outdoors and get filthy!"

"Wait, without us?" Anne asked, gesturing to both herself and Frank.

"Yeah, how come you guys didn't invite us?" Frank asked.

"Because when we Plantars camp, we camp hard. No sense in you coming with us and being miserable."

Sprig hopped on Bessie and sat next to Hop Pop. "You know you hate dirt, bugs, rocks... and nature."

"You're soft, Anne, like a baby," Polly said on top of Hop Pop's head. "Frank's not as soft, but still soft."

"Thanks, Polly," Frank said sarcastically.

"Really, you should be glad you're not one of us," said Hop Pop.

For both of the humans, that statement really hurt and made them feel upset. After all this time being with them, they would have thought that the Plantars considered them like part of the family. And not just like the monsters that are living with them. "That's a load of bull and you know it. Just because we're not Plantars, doesn't mean we can't have a good time with you guys," Frank said.

"Yeah! Take us with you. Please, please, please?" Anne pleaded with her hands together.

Hop Pop looked concerned about the idea of taking them along. "Are you sure? I wasn't kiddin' when I said 'rough.'"

"And I wasn't kidding when I said you were soft,"

"Super-sure," Frank said, placing his arm around Anne. "You're forgetting, we were having to survive in the wild for a week before we made it to Wartwood. I'm more than certain we can handle wherever you three can handle."

"Well, all right, kid. Hop on," Hop Pop said, giving in.

"Whoo, whoo!" Frank and Anne cheered and climbed onto Bessie's shell and sat next to each other. With everyone on board, Bessie started moving forward. Sprig then leaned back towards the two humans.

"Psst. Hey, since you're coming with us, we gotta lather you up with this gunk." Sprig said, pulling out a bucket filled with a honey-like substance and a honeycomb stick covered in the gunk. "Only way to keep the ticks away."

"How big are the ticks?" Frank asked.


"Give me that." He took the stick and started to spread it all over his face, arms, and legs. "I've had my fair share of ticks in the past thanks to my dog. I don't even want to know what they're like in this world," he explained to the bewildered frog family. He then dunked the stick back in the gunk and turned to Anne. "Your turn Anne."

Living in a Frog World (Male OC x Anne Boonchuy)Where stories live. Discover now