The Bro's - Chapter 3 (Freshman Year)

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CHAPTER 3 – Freshman Year

Auburn University is a public University in central Alabama about an hour-and-a-half south of Atlanta. It is in a small city with little crime, no poverty, and a world away from the things I grew up around.

The people go to sleep at night and don't worry about if they locked their door or not. The center of the city is built around a drug store that is supposed to have the best lemonade in the country. It's a city full of well-educated, upper middle-class neighborhoods. Welcome to Auburn, Alabama.

My first day at Auburn was for freshmen orientation. I had never seen so many pretty women in my life. All walks and sizes. Black, white, Hispanic, the women alone made college feel like heaven. It was a typical orientation I guess, talking about how to sign up for classes, student loans, and a bunch of other boring things. I wanted to find out where the party was. That is what college is known for, that is what you hear about, that is what I wanted. The party and the women.

Then a guy walked up to me in his fraternity paraphernalia and gave me a flyer for the "Black Student Union Freshman Picnic". This was what I was looking for, the party.

"What's you name cuz?" he said as he handed me the flyer. He seemed like a really cool guy who was proudly wearing his fraternity colors. I was very excited about being able to go to this event, just being a college student in general. I was happy that for what it was worth, I was a young adult out on my own.

So, he told me the picnic was at the President's lawn that evening, and I knew where I would be.

I arrived at the picnic and I felt like I didn't know a single person on that campus, but strangely I didn't feel alone. I had never been in such a big crowd in my life, but felt this was safe. This was a uniquely different environment than anything I had ever seen in my life.

Back at the crib, if you were in a crowd this big, you were on high alert. You were looking around to see who was there who you did not get along with who may try you. You would be looking around trying to see any potential problems with other people so you didn't find yourself caught in the middle of somebody else's fight. You spent more time on high alert watching your surroundings than enjoying the party. But this was college and this party felt different.

There was music, and women, and partying. It was all nothing but black people, and there was no fighting. This was indeed different than my hood. I felt at peace, I felt like I had reached a place where I may be able to experience something more as a person. I knew that day, this was the best decision I had ever made. I knew that day that this was the place I could live out my dreams. And man, the women, did I tell you how bad the women were? Oh my.

So, as I was getting me a plate of food, I see the one. I see THAT woman. She had long black hair, such pretty eyes, her legs were extremely sexy as she walked by the table in her sandals showing off her sexy-ass body and pretty toes. She had "it". I don't know what "it" was, but she had it and I wanted it.

So, I walked over to introduce myself to her. But, right before I did, this other dude at down in the chair next to her and went into full mack mode. I heard him introduce himself and say his name was Rickie. I sat and watched as he pulled out all stops. It became funny, because the better his lines became, the more uninterested she seemed. Finally, he got up and walked away. I laughed as he walked by. He said, to me, "Man she's fine as hell!" To which I agreed. Whatever he tried on her, obviously didn't work so I would definitely try a different route.

And it was now my turn to try, but again before I got there, there came another clown. He didn't get nearly as far as Rickie did before he got dismissed. So, then a third, and then I saw a fourth.

I figured after all of these failed attempts, I had better let her sit for a minute. She seemed to be on a roll, dismissing brothers, so maybe I'd give her a few minutes and try another time. Later at the picnic, I saw my opening and my chance. I had seen how she had totally dismissed brother after brother, so I had to take a different approach.

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