The Bros - Chapter 13 (Get Junior)

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We were all in the car and pulled off as we see the house go up in flames. I was thinking, we did it, we actually did it. After a moment of taking it all in, I turned to them in the car and declared, "We did it, we did it!" and Shawn screamed "Hell yeah!"

I looked at Rickie, "You ok bro?" He looked up and said, "She got me good, but I am going be ok." He told me he had managed to stop the bleeding and he was not hurting that bad. Then he said, "Hell yeah Bro, we did that shit."

We were all on an adrenalin high and floating in a sort of euphoria. Though I had been through a lot of things in my life, I'd never experienced anything quite like this. I had a feeling of accomplishment and a pure male-driven testosterone high from pulling off some super-hero, gangster shit you see on TV. I definitely was excited.

But it didn't faze Trey, he was still somber and unemotional. He said, "What the fuck's wrong with y'all? We aren't out here trying to rob anybody and steal drugs. The point of this is to get Junior back, so we ain't done shit yet."

It was crazy that I was the one who was excited and, in the rush and excitement, I momentarily forgot what the goal was. We were doing all this to get my son back. Just as I snapped back to reality, we could hear a fire truck in the distant. We kind of all looked at each other and smiled.

We knew even though the gang member from the house were all tied up in the back yard, they were safe and far enough away from the house that they were out of harm's way of the fire. Rickie had also bandaged up the girl's gunshot wound.

We had no fear they would tell the cops what happened, even though the fire department would get there and see a house on fire and four people tied up in the back yard. It would be their story to tell why they were tied up in the back yard. No way they were going to tell anybody that people broke into the house and stole their drugs, so we knew they would never tell.

But them dealing with the police was going to be the least of their worries, what with the things we had in mind to complete this plan to get Junior back. We made it back to the house and pulled the truck around back and put it in the storage shed. The truck was parked in the shed with about a half of a million in drugs in the back.

We walked back into the house and the first face we saw was Eboni's. She immediately saw Rickie and the blood everywhere and was badly shaken. "Are you ok?" she asked him anxiously. She turned to me really concerned, "Baby you ok? I knew you all should not have tried this!" She was getting more and more hysterical as she was talking.

I told her, "Babe we're all fine. Rickie got a little cut, we got him fixed, we just need to get him in the house and clean it up and change clothes. We've still got things to get done." Rickie reassured her he was fine. Then he asked to my wife, "You think women would like this scar?!" Yeah, I guess he really was fine, back to thinking about running game.

We were all back in the house now. Al had cleaned the entire security system of that house, deleting all history and footage so the police wouldn't be able to get any footage and neither would TTG. Not that TTG would want the police to see any of the footage from the house anyway.

Back at the house, things were getting a little interesting there. Over the police scanner, Chief Stancovich heard the call go out about the house fire. Of course, he heard calls going out all day, every day that it really had become background noise to him.

But, something about this call caught his attention. He leaned closer to the radio as if he was trying to hear it more clearly and trying to recall what exactly had piqued his interest about this call. Something about this particular call.... "God dammit!" and he figured it out.

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