The Bros - Chapter 12 (Start the Plan)

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"So, Nate, what exactly are you going to do?" Al asked.

I told them all, I had a plan. But, once we went down that road, there was no turning back. "If you want to leave now, I will understand. Because what is about to happen, could cost you. It could cost you your life.

"You all don't have to make that sacrifice for me and don't have to put it all in danger. This is an issue I and my family got into."

Trey shook his head, "As we told you already, we are family and we're all in this together. So, what is your plan?"

Every day of my life as a teen was racing before me. All of the violence and crime I had seen and experienced as a kid and the things I knew about. I didn't think much about the day I was shot, because those days seemed so far behind me and just a totally different lifetime.

Now, they were all bubbling to the surface again. The thoughts, the feelings. I was starting to remember how I felt that day when I went looking for revenge for my mom. I started to recall the rage I felt, the determination I had to extract revenge.

If I wanted to extract revenge for the things done to my mom, that was nothing compared to the rage I was feeling now. Why would they touch my little boy? He is my heart and soul. Do they not feel it as though they have kids of their own?

But, as bad as I felt, as mad as I was, I could not touch any damn kids. I wanted them to hurt like I hurt, but I was not going to touch any kids. I had to find another way to try and get to the bottom of this.

What did we know for now?

The TTG was involved and Brandon would be in charge. They were always traveling in a large pack and were always going to be strapped. If we were going to go after them, we were going to need more than just us 5 and a few handguns.

We knew they were deep in the drug game and knew their pick up and even had information on where their stash house was. We could possibly steal their drugs and exchange them for safe return of my boy. But, how could we possibly hit a stash house—they are always fully prepared for anybody there so getting to their drugs at the stash house was not going to be easy.

Eboni was now in a state of deep depression. I told her I needed to see Pookie ASAP. I need to speak with him and get some insight and maybe he could help me figure out a plan.

Trey pulled me to the side. He reminded me of where he came from and what he had been through. Though his life had completely changed, Trey was still connected to the gang life in New Orleans, only from the other side now—a police officer and counselor trying to help save those types.

He told me that he had made a call. He told me not to ask any questions but he had to do what he needed to do to help us out.

I asked him, "What are you talking about Trey, what have you done?" He simply said, "I am helping that's all, what do you need me to do?" I told him to let me finish thinking through everything and I would tell him.

Trey then said he needed to make a run and he would be right back. I was thinking to myself, where the hell is he going with everything that is happening now. Why they hell does he need to make a run, he does not even live here in Atlanta. But I had more pressing things to worry about, like getting my son back.

I walked back downstairs and realized Al was gone. I didn't think much about it as I was still pacing and trying to map out this plan to get Junior back. Where could they possibly be holding him?

But here was my dilemma: was getting Junior back even an option? And if we got him back, would this thing end there? We knew too much about the Police Chief and what he was doing. No way he was going to let us just be free and roaming the streets with that type of knowledge.

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