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Yoongi presented as an omega the moment he turned eighteen, much to the surprise of his family which entirely consists of betas. Everyone expected him to be a beta too because he has all of the qualities to be defined as one. He's perfectly balanced, calm, rational and soft-spoken. He never gets into fights, opting to being the one who mediates and calms everyone down. His features are soft, not too rough around the edges and not almost ethereally pretty – just right in the middle. With his short stature and lack of aggressiveness, no one would expect him to be an alpha. With the permanent scowl on his face and droopy eyes that makes him look like he's bored all the time, short answers and lack of initiative in showing affection, no one would expect him to be an omega.

A beta – that's what everyone thought he would be. That's also what he hoped he would be.

Being a beta is nice. He can get to do whatever he wants without the expectations shouldered by both alphas and omegas. Alphas are expected to be brave and strong, aggressive enough to win any fights and not back down easily. They're supposed to be tall, have insanely strong pheromones to attract any potential mate, and they must never lose when they court someone or else it would be a huge shame on their name. So no, Yoongi really doesn't want to be an alpha.

Omegas, on the other hand, are expected to be overly submissive, pretty, nice, small and petite, with very soft features and intoxicating pheromones to make all the alphas want them. Omegas are highly treasured and respected for they are expected to be the bearers to make the community stronger with strong pups. They're almost always seen with alphas because they are considered to be perfect pairs who complement each other well. Betas are just... betas. Female betas can also bear children, but the chances are a lot lower than those of omegas. And they usually produce more betas too, so omegas are still held above them, being the ones who can give birth to more alphas and omegas to stabilize the system.

So imagine Yoongi's surprise when he suddenly wakes up inside his room, in the middle of his vacation from the band's hectic schedule, searing with pain and heating up as he feels some strange slippery liquid-like substance dripping out of his hole and all the way to his pants and bedsheets. He mewls in pain, curling up as his entire body burns through the intense heat. He calls out for help and he immediately hears footsteps nearing his bedroom. When the door opens, his parents just stood there with shock written all over their faces, mouth hanging in surprise and maybe a little fear, and covering their noses as Yoongi's intense pheromones hit them harshly.

Yoongi sobs into his pillow, hips rutting up to give his cock more friction. He wants release. He just wants to feel satisfied so maybe this heat would go away and he could go back to being normal again. But no matter how much he thrusts his hard cock against the bed, nothing could ever be enough to push him into an orgasm and take away the pain.

He looks at the door only to realize that his parents are long gone, leaving him to have his privacy for they have no idea what to do with this situation either. He reaches down, desperately pushing his pants and underwear down his knees. He feels slick dripping out of his hole and all the way down his thighs, so profusely that Yoongi thinks his bed is drenched with it by now.

He wants to cry. This could only mean one thing. Alphas and betas aren't supposed to have slick pouring out of their asses – only omegas do. And Yoongi- he really doesn't want to accept the fact that he might just be one. He doesn't want to be an omega. He doesn't want to be treated as nothing but a pretty face and something to keep the population going. He wants to create more music with his best friends. He wants to tour the world without fearing those hungry eyes that omegas always get when they're in front of alphas and even some other betas. Yoongi wants to be a beta. Why can't he be a beta?

He pushes all of his fear and anxiety away, focusing on the burning feeling in his stomach and all the way to his groin. He reaches down, letting his shaky finger prod his rim which is still continuously releasing slick, scent making even him light-headed. He allows his finger to prod through the tight ring of muscles, pushing it deeper and deeper until he can't do it any further.

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