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Yoongi sighs, leaning closer to get more of Hoseok's calming scent.

They're just lying on the bed together, scenting each other after a very tiring concert. Yoongi chose him to share a room with because he knows that at times like this, when he's feeling conflicted and a little bothered, Hoseok would always be the best option to calm him down.

"You smell off," Hoseok says, fingers treading against Yoongi's hair and gently massaging his scalp. "Is something wrong?"

Yoongi shakes his head, burying his nose on Hoseok's scent gland. The beta is starting to smell a little weird too, a burnt scent that comes from someone who's slowly being piled up with negative feelings. Yoongi doesn't like it.

"Yoongi, I'm getting worried. What is it?"

And he does sound worried. He pulls away just enough so he could face Yoongi, and only then did he see the tears starting to form on Yoongi's eyes. Hoseok's eyes immediately widen in concern, hand reaching forward to catch the tear with his thumb before it could even fall down Yoongi's soft cheek.

"What's wrong, Yoongi? You can tell me anything." His voice sounds so genuinely kind that it makes Yoongi's lips tremble, subconsciously pushing more tears out of his eyes. Yoongi doesn't cry in front of other people if he can help it. He's very good at holding himself back. He's been through a lot of shit to make him want to cry in anger, and experienced enough success to make him cry out in happiness, but he usually does everything he can to hide away from everyone, even the other members, so he could cry in silence without letting them all witness his weakness.

Maybe he's starting to become weak now.

"Would you-" he pauses to sniffle, making Hoseok let out a small pained noise. "Would you want me even if I'm not an omega?"

Hoseok shifts, hand gently cradling Yoongi's cheek as if it would help him become a little stronger and braver. "Why would you even ask that? Of course I will. We all will. You're still Yoongi regardless of what you presented as. Don't cry, please. I hate seeing you cry." Hoseok leans forward to press his lips on Yoongi's cheek, not minding the bitter taste of his tears. He peppers the omega's face with kisses, not stopping until Yoongi's crying ceases and until he starts giggling softly at the ticklish feeling of Hoseok's soft kisses on his skin.

"Why did you think that we only wanted you because you're an omega?" Hoseok asks softly after a moment of calming silence between them.

Yoongi shyly nudges his face on Hoseok's chest so he wouldn't have to face the man. "I've been waiting for you guys to ask me to join for years. You know, you're all technically together because you help each other out on ruts and stuff like that. You do intimate stuff together and I just- I know I never specifically asked to be included but I just thought you would ask me at some point if I wanted to be with you."

Hoseok groans, and Yoongi immediately pulls his head back to see his face. "I fucking told them to ask you," he complains, lips forming that almost triangular grimace that it always turns into whenever he's upset. "But Taehyung said not to do it yet. Trust me, that brat is like the most desperate out of all of us to finally have you. He was so pissed when Namjoon got you first. But Jin-hyung agreed with him when he made that decision. You must have noticed that hyung was trying really hard to always take care of you and to make you feel comfortable. He was trying to avoid this." He pauses just to press a kiss on Yoongi's forehead. "We would have asked you to join but we thought you weren't ready yet. Taehyung has a point."

"I'm literally older than all of you except for Jin-hyung. Why the hell is Jungkook ready to help but I'm not?"

"You haven't presented yet," Hoseok says. "Well, at least we didn't know that you presented. Taehyung said that it would feel wrong to have you help us because you weren't fully mature yet? Yes, yes, I know you're older but we had to wait for you to present. Because you not presenting means that your body isn't ready yet. If we knew that you presented years ago, we would've asked you then. God knows how much we want you."

Yoongi licks his dry lips. "Even if I'm not an omega?" he asks.

Hoseok smiles, and Yoongi feels like the sun is suddenly starting to rise again even though it's nighttime already. "Even if you're not an omega."

Yoongi feels his heart suddenly feel so much lighter, all of its weight disappearing at the mere sight of Hoseok's smile. "Okay," he whispers, leaning in to press his lips against Hoseok's gently, closing his eyes and letting the kiss linger there for a while. It's barely a kiss. It's more like a promise – a promise to trust each other more in the future.

After that talk with Hoseok, Yoongi feels himself becoming a lot more comfortable with the other guys' advances. He accepted the offer of being included in their relationship and they were so, so happy, even throwing a cringey celebration for the bond. It feels different from before. While they've always been close friends with a strong bond, none of those moments in the past ever felt this... whole. Because now, as he spends every waking moment with the others, he finds his heart screaming louder and louder with the need to be even closer. Not once did he think in his whole life that he would want affection this much. But as he looks as his lovers, all six of them, who are looking at him with so much love and compassion, he realizes that he really wouldn't mind being all cheesy and annoyingly sweet if he can have all of them next to him like this. 

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