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Spending time with Seokjin after forming the bond is... fun. He laughs at Seokjin's ridiculous jokes and gives in to older man's insistence of feeding him breakfast in bed the morning after they sleep together. He is unsurprisingly gentle in bed. He showers Yoongi with compliments and praises as he fucks into the omega gently.

"Are you okay?" Seokjin would ask, stilling for a second when Yoongi lets out a pained moan at one particularly deep thrust.

"Yeah, please. Want more, hyung," Yoongi would reply, arms finding their way around Seokjin's neck to pull him down for a kiss before Seokjin starts thrusting in and out of him at a slow pace, cock dragging so deliciously against his walls and making him gasp in pleasure.

Seokjin doesn't just fuck Yoongi. He makes love. He would latch his plump lips on Yoongi, licking and biting everywhere he can reach as the bed creaks gently under their combined weight and movements. "Yoongi," he would call just as he's about to reach his peak, huffs escaping his mouth as love fills his eyes. "I love you," he'd whisper before burying himself as deep as he can and releasing inside of Yoongi, teeth biting on Yoongi's neck and making the omega cry out in pleasure.

"I love you too," Yoongi would reply as they come down from their high, a stupidly fond smile etched on his face.

Sometimes, they'd also cook together for the other guys after a specifically tiring day so everyone would cheer up and regain their energy. They play around in the kitchen, experiment on food, and kiss against the counter when no one is present to complain about it being unsanitary.

Seokjin is home. Yoongi doesn't think there is any other word which would be better suited to call him.

When it comes to Namjoon, Yoongi doesn't even find anything to be uncomfortable with. They've known each other for ten years and he knows all of the alpha's limits and boundaries by now. All of his quirks that makes him who he is. He finds Namjoon's clumsiness adorable, even when the alpha insisted on cuddling with Yoongi that one time they were working overtime in the studio and he accidentally pushed one of his figurines off the table and down the hard ground, leaving a permanent crack on the figure's face. While Yoongi would usually find Namjoon's uncontrollable strength annoying, he just laughs it off as Namjoon apologizes over and over again in fear of making him mad. Yoongi just kissed him to shut him up and told him that he can buy a new one as a replacement and that it's not a big deal at all.

Namjoon out of rut is awkward and a little too careful. Being Yoongi's first, he was nervous with how he'll do the second time around. But Yoongi isn't any less satisfied. Namjoon is so, so huge even out of his rut. He fucks Yoongi so good, cock hitting all of the spots that sends Yoongi mewling. While being a little less rough as he pounds into Yoongi with the fear of accidentally breaking the omega or hurting him in any way (Yoongi assures him that no, he will not break no matter how rough Namjoon wants to be, but Namjoon likes being careful anyway with the excuse that Yoongi is far too precious to just get hurt).

"Harder," Yoongi would groan out, urging Namjoon to stop trying to restrain himself.

"But hyung, I- I don't want to hurt you," Namjoon would huff through the thrusts, sweat dripping from his forehead and looking so hot that Yoongi could feel himself almost coming at the mere sight.

"Please, w-want you to fuck me so, so hard, alpha," Yoongi would beg and Namjoon would snap right there and then, stopping for a millisecond before pulling himself halfway and slamming back inside, moving in such a fast pace that sends Yoongi into a crying mess, body shaking against the mattress and releasing all over his stomach.

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