The Fairy

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The world we live in is one full of magic, where fairies and humans live and together as partners and even best friends. In order the find your fairy one must take part in the "Coming to Powers Trial". The "Coming to Powers Trial" acts as a right of passage for both humans and fairies in which they set off into the dark forests on the night of the Summer Solstice in the hopes of finding their partners. When a human is 18 the connection between them and their fairy is the strongest and under the right conditions can actually be visible to both the fairy and the human. After a human found their partner they are given permission to go to different parts of the realm as they improve their magic and relationship with their fairy. Our story begins with a boy named Ren ready to take part in this Trial.

"Alright it's time to start the ritual are you ready.", a man said to Ren. "Of course, dad. I've been waiting for 18 years to finally meet my partner. I got my sword and enough wil-o-wisps to last me a week", Ren responded. A blue fairy appeared from behind Ren's father and said, "That's our little boy I remember when you were so small I had to carry you up the stairs, it wasn't as easy as it sounded you weighed so much." The dad then interjected and said, "Alright if there are no further objections let the ritual commence. Let's go Azure" The father started to pound herbs and other glowing things into a pot as the fairy focused magic into it. "With this powder you will be able to see the mana that connects you and your fairy.", the father said as he grabbed a pinch of it and threw it into Ren's eyes. Ren was then escorted outside into the darkness and opened his eyes but to his surprise he couldn't see any mana around him. "Hey I think you messed up on the ritual or something cause I can't see any mana." Confused Azure said, "That's impossible we followed every step correctly. Are you sure you can't see any glowing tether?" Annoyed Ren said, "I think I'd know if I was seeing a glowing line." As he said that they noticed that other people were starting to set off into the forest. Hastily his father said, "Maybe it just needs a few minutes to set in, but we don't have time to waste you better get going." And with that Ren ran off into the forest in the hopes of finding his fairy.

The forests people head into in order to find their fairies was always dangerous, but on the night of the Solstice it was even more dangerous for inexplicable reasons. Ren learned this fact quickly when he was attacked by two wolves. He thought it was over for him until suddenly a mysterious figure came out and killed one of the wolves giving Ren an opening to attack the other. "Thank you", Ren said. As the figure came closer it revealed to be a boy from his village as well, "No problem, I'm Vef by the way." Ren then gave his name to Vef and then asked a question that has been on his mind, "Hey can you see a glowing mana tether around you." Confused Vef said, "Yeah why can't you see your own." Ren explained how he can't see anything, Vef a bit confused asked in Ren wanted to go with him, to which Ren agreed.

As the two ran they talked about what they wanted to do after they both got their fairies. "I want to move to the big city so I can study my type of magic, and then maybe become a teacher." Vef responded. Before Ren could respond they spotted a huge ent they then stop in their tracks. They needed a plan and fast or else the ent will spot them, "Ok I have an idea." Vef said, "All we have to do set all of our wil-o-wisps except one free and while it's distracted, we make a brake past him." Ren doubtful said, "This plan has so many holes but it's the best we got." Both following the plan they set their wisps free and ran past however as Ren ran past, he looked up at the ent and noticed a little black line causing him to pause which was enough time for the ent to hit causing him to fall to the bottom of the ravine. Alone know Ren had no idea what to do and that doubt was starting to show, "What am I even doing here? I can't do anything on my own. I'm completely useless I can't even follow a plan as basic as running." He said hitting the ground, "No fairy would want to team up with me that's probably why I can't see a line of mana." Just as he said that he remembered what he saw as ran past the ent, "Wait what if I've been seeing the mana the whole time it was just so dark that I couldn't see." Rummaging around in his bag he found his last wisp and prayed that this would work as he set it free which then lit up the whole area it was there that he saw it the black tether of mana connected to him. Thrilled by this break through he ran as fast as he could in the direction the tether was facing praying that the light would stay for just a little longer and that was where he found it, a little fairy an interesting shade of black laying in the grass. As the fairy woke up he looked at Ren and his tether then said, "Hi my names Noir I guess this means we're partners now." Upon hearing that Ren took Noir into his hands and felt an immense amount of joy the likes of which he had never felt before.

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