Never Before Seen Power

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A group of mysterious figures sat at a table discussing an important matter. An old looking figure begins speaking, "This is the first time ever seeing a fairy like this. Who knows what kind of powers it has? I say you hand him over to me and I'll figure out all it's secrets." A feminine figure retorts, "Oh please if we let you have him, he'll never see the outside of a test tube. Besides, we have the boy to think about too." Another figure who appears to be of a higher standing than both asks, "What did you have in mind doctor." The doctor replied, "I propose that we throw them into the pit." Another figure this one having a stronger more muscular built replies in anger, "I object to this it's a little early for them to go through the pit." To this the doctor replied, "Oh come now if our intent is to learn what this fairy can do what better way than a trial by fire." The figure of higher standing thought about it for a moment then replied, "She has a point its possible they could be an asset to us. Doctor you have my permission." The doctor then bowed saying, "Thank you, your majesty."

As Ren slowly regains consciousness, he is greeted by a dark silhouette, when the image comes into focus it was revealed that it was Noir. Upon awakening Noir responds, "Well look who finally woke up. I thought I was going to have to find myself a new partner." As Ren looked around, he noticed that he was in a room that was unfamiliar to him, "Where are we?", Ren asked. Noir responded, "Before that tell me what's the last thing you remember?" Ren took a moment and thought back he then responded, "I remember finding you in the forest then the next day I we went to the ritual site to find out what magic you can you use. After that everything is just a blank." Noir replied, "Makes sense, after going into the water, everything was calm until the water started to turn pitch black. As it turned black you began to sink into the water like someone was pulling you down. Your dad dove in and rescued you but by that point you were already unconscious. Your dad took you to a healer but that did nothing you were just completely drained. After that some people came in saying they were from the capital and offered to take you to get proper medical treatment." After hearing this Ren responded, "Wait we're in the capital right now." To which Noir responded, "That's correct who would have thought a lazy bum like you can get from a small village to the capital of the Qarus Kingdom just by sleeping." As ren was about to say something else the door swung open and through it came a woman wearing a lab coat along with a fairy that was glowing green. As she noticed Ren was awake, she rushed over to him, "Looks like you finally woke up Ren, the boy with a black fairy that has the entire council up in flames about what to do with you. Nice to meet you I'm Claire and here's my fairy Celti." As Ren and Noir looked at the green fairy, she gave a shy greeting. Claire then continued, "I know you have a lot of questions and so do I but right now you have to come with me, you have a change of clothes on the counter over there I'll be outside." With that Claire left leaving Ren and Noir alone again Ren quickly changed into his clothes a black shirt with white strands mixed in, and a pair of dark brown pants with several straps on them. After he got dressed, he began to walk towards the door as Noir sat on his shoulder, "Hope you don't mind it gets tiring having to flap my wings all day." Ren then responded, "No your good."

As they walked through the hallway things were quiet between the four of them until Noir asked, "So do you mind telling us what's going on?" Claire looked at Celti and responded, "There's no easy way to put this but essentially you two are basically going to be lab rats for us." Upon hearing this Ren and Noir both said shocked, "WHAT!" Claire then continued, "Here's the deal no one in our kingdom has ever had a black fairy before or even heard of one so we don't know what to think of you exactly. It was decided that we'd but you two through a series of trials to test how much power you have and see if you two can become potential weapons to protect the people of Qarus." Ren and Noir now a little more mad than shocked shouted, "That's crazy you can't just decide that we're going to be weapons for you guys." Celti then flew up to them and in an angry tone replied, "You two should be thanking Claire if it weren't for her" she points to Noir, "you would be stuck in a lab tube until the day you rot and you," points to Ren, "you'd just be some hobo on the streets who can't use magic because he lost his fairy. So at least this way you two have a future ahead of you." Both Ren and Noir were silenced by this revelation and the switch in personalities Celti went through. Claire continued off from where Celti left off, "Essentially that's right if I let that old man who'd spend his life looking at a cell divide have you my little black fairy, you'd lose all rights as a living creature and be nothing more than a specimen for him to dissect. However, there was another reason why I decided to put you through these trials." As she says that her face blushes a bit and says, "When I looked at the both of you, I could tell that you two have immense untapped power the likes of which this world has never seen, can you think of anything more exciting than that." As she realizes they have reached their destination Claire composes herself and proceeds to walk through the door.

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