Magic Power System

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(Authors Note: The Next Several Chapters will involve a lot of magic from many different people so rather than explaining how each person's magic works I decided to post this quick piece to explain how magic works overall)

As you already know when a person reaches a certain age, they set out in order to find their fairy a small creature that glows a bright color, that can generate pure magic for their partner made specifically for them. Once the human finds their fairy, they undergo a ritual in order to determine what type of magic they can use. In general, a person's magic falls under one of six categories physical, elemental, transformation, life, ritual, and miscellaneous.

· Physical magic: As the name suggests is used to improve a person's physical prowess such as a person's strength and speed. On the surface it seems like a one trick pony because of how basic it appears but the more people practice they find that this magic has a variety of uses. One example is being able to enhance your eyesight to the point of seeing kilometers away clearly.

· Elemental magic: Controlling the elements of nature these elements are mainly include ice, water, fire, air, lightning, and although incredibly rare light and darkness. This magic gives the user complete freedom and control of their elements. While a user is able to learn all elements some choose to focus on a few or even one element in order to bring out the most potential. When a user is starting to learn how to use magic it is generally easier to control of nearby source but as time continues, they learn to create it on their own.

· Transformation magic: The process of changing an item from one thing to another such as turning lead to gold or a stick into a sword, with the more different the two object are the more magic is required. In order to use this magic one has to fully understand the object they have as well as the object they want to turn it into. Due to this, this kind of magic isn't ideal for combat although some people have been able to make it work, making any weapon needed for a situation.

· Life magic: This magic grants the user control over the life energy of all living things. Using life magic can allow you to control plants and the earth for attacks and the growing of flora, while interacting with the life energy of animals/people can allow you to heal, detect where people are, and even control their actions to a degree. 

· Ritual Magic: Magic which requires a process to perform actions such as an incantations, sacrifice/mixing of items, writing of runes, etc. Most common ritual spells seen are enchantments, summonings, potions, and sealings. While some spells can be done with ritual magic alone most spells often require a different type of magic, if a person were to enchant a sword in order to make it more durable and on fire, they'd need someone with physical elemental magic to complete the task.

· Miscellaneous Magic: This type of magic is unique in that a person's magic doesn't fall into any of the other categories. Its been said to allow people to pass through walls, erase objects, teleport, and even stop time. The tricky part however is that a person with this type of magic can only manifest their magic in one way, with no control over what that one area is. For example, if a person is able to teleport that's all they can use their power for.

(I hope with this the next you will be able to keep up a little better with the next few chapters. If you have any more questions don't be afraid to ask me. Thanks to all those who have been reading my stories.)

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