Keep Fighting Don't Get Eliminated

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The knights exam has started and all across the trial grounds the sound of fighting can be heard. Some were fighting head on, some were laying traps, and others opted for hiding. Their approaches were different but all of them had the same goal, being one of the 100 remaining participants and becoming a knight.

As Ren looks down at the battleground as a fight between several candidates start to take place. Suddenly a candidate leapt straight at Ren tackling him out of the tree before they hit the ground Ren broke free of the guys hold, punching him several feet away, and landing on his feet. After he landed a girl with a sword ran straight at him slashing at him, Ren blocked the attack then jumped back, her sword then started to glow as it turned into several knives that she threw straight at him. Thinking fast Ren put his hands to the ground making a wall of ice catching all the knives. Ren sent the ice wall ramming right into her sending her flying, before she could even hit the ground she vanished. Just then two guys on opposite ends charged towards Ren one with his hands on fire and the other with lightning coming off him. Just before they reached Ren, he jumped into the air causing both of them hit each other instead. In the air Ren focused his magic into the ground as the ground opened up swallowing the two candidates, as the hole in the ground closed up the candidates started to glow until the hole closed up completely. Ren then opened up the hole seeing no trace of them and no blood either causing Ren to breathe a sigh of relief. Just then more and more explosions happened around them as more candidates started joining in the fight. He turned to Noir and said to him, "Let's get out of here." After saying that he jumped onto a tree branch and jumped from tree to tree quickly vanishing from the current battlefield.

Elsewhere in an observation a group of people wearing goggles sit focused intently on monitors just then they started speaking one after another, "Candidate 265 eliminated.", "Candidate 1947 disqualified.", "Candidate 221, 154, and 989 eliminated." They continued listing off people as Claire and King Tyrell along with their fairies look at their own monitor. "Candidates are dropping one after another as usual.", Tyrell commented. "These are the small fries, the more skilled candidates won't drop out for a couple hours maybe even a full day.", Claire responded. "True but you have to admit this year's group looks extremely promising I mean when was the last time we saw this much mayhem right at the start.", Tyrell responded. A smile crept across Claire's face as she said, "Not for a decade or two that's for sure."

Just then a little boy in flashy clothes jumped in between them, "Calm down lady we still have who knows how long to go before this exam's over don't get too excited right at the start.", the boy spoke with an enthusiastic and honeyed voice. "Caesar what are you doing here?", Tyrell asked in a surprised by his sudden appearance. "The archduke sent me you absolute waste of space king!", Caesar said with a fullhearted smile on his face. Lord Tyrell immediately went into a fetal position, "Come on man can you at least try to fix this ego problem you are the king after all.", Treven said annoyed at his partner's childish nature. "Anyway, why does the archduke care about the knights exam?", Claire continued. "Come now this is a big moment for a lot of people a lot of noblemen's children are taking part this year.", Caesar paused for a moment and continued, "Oh yeeeah. Don't you two have a kid or two taking part this year including the protégé of yours with the black fairy." This statement caused both Claire and Tyrell to instantly get serious. "I wonder how their doing, why don't we check on them?", Caesar said his hand creeping closer to the monitor the two were watching. "Oh, sorry you can't use this one.", Tyrell said before punching the monitor shattering it, "It's broken." Tyrell said staring daggers at Caesar. "Geez no need to be hostile if you want me to leave just say so." Caesar starts to head towards the room's exit slowly facing towards them, "Well I'll be off now. I just came to see how the exam was progressing." Before he exited the room he stopped and said, "The archduke gets what he wants always doesn't matter if it's money, land, or even people. It doesn't matter that you're the king." with that he left the room leaving Claire and Tyrell with nothing but nerves. "Someone get me another monitor!", Tyrell screamed. "Be careful Ren the archduke's going to make his move soon.", Claire said.

Two hours have passed, and the mayhem of the exam starts to slowly die down, out of the 3,065 candidates about 1,300 have already been eliminated. Somewhere in the forest biome Ren is seen running through the trees in pursuit of something. "Ren do you have any idea where we're going?", Noir asked. "Yes, I need to find a place to survey the land.", Ren replied. "As it stands right now, we have no information about this area, so the best bet is to find a place high up to see as much of the battleground as possible.", he continued. "Ok that makes sense but where are we going then?", Noir asked. Instead of asking Ren pointed in a direction. Noir followed his finger and saw a giant tree that reaches several miles into the sky. "This is probably a bad idea you know that.", Noir said in protest. "Maybe, but it's our best bet.", Ren said. Ren starts picking up speed until he runs at highspeed.

As Ren gets closer to the tree suddenly an arrow came out of no where piercing his leg, causing him to tumble as he loses all the speed he had. "Ren are you ok?!", Noir asked startled. Ren slowly got up as his leg wobbles trying to get to his feet, "Y-yeah I just need a minute, and some magic.", responded in quite a bit of pain. Noir suddenly started glowing as the cuts and scrapes on Ren slowly started to fade. He then focused on his leg where the arrow hit him and pulled it out slowly causing him to grunt from the pain, until he completely pulled it out. "Look alive someone's here.", Ren said to Noir. Ren and Noir then looked around trying to find where their attacker came from suddenly they heard the snap of a branch, as Ren and Noir turn their head they saw a guy emerging from the trees with a fairy indigo color. He had neatly kept blond hair, and rather fancy clothes considering this is a battleground. "Judging by the color of your fairy I take it your Ren.", he spoke with a voice showing hostile intent. "Yeah, and who are you?", Ren asked staying on guard for an attack. "Theo but that doesn't matter just give me the fairy and you won't get hurt.", he responded hostile intent growing in his voice. "Never.", Ren responded showing he's ready for a fight as Noir glowed Black. "So be it.", as the attacker said that he pulled on a rope in his hand noises can be heard throughout the forest as a barrage of arrows fly out of the trees at Ren. The arrows came one after another as Ren tried to move around and dodge them despite his best effort some arrows were still able to scratch him. As the arrows stopped raining down Ren shot towards Theo at incredibly fast speed punching him straight in stomach and sending him flying several meters. "Pretty good if I wasn't wearing a steel chest plate I'd be done for.", Theo slowly gets to his feet, "Alright time to get serious.", he then breaks off a branch of a nearby tree, the branch then starts to glow as it turns into a sword.

Theo then charges at Ren readying his sword he then swings with a strong downward slash Ren dodges the slash cutting into his shirt and the sword gets stuck in the ground. Theo then abandons the sword continuing to charge forward, only to be met by Ren's fire he jumps back but not before the fire hits his shoulder. Theo grabs his shoulder in pain as Ren goes in for another attack with a fist of fire. Theo dodges rolling behind Ren he then grabs an arrow turning it into a knife before going to stab him. The knife lodged into Ren's back as he let out a scream of pain, but as Theo tried to jump back he realized he couldn't looking down he saw that roots have grown around his legs. "Game over", Ren spoke holding back the pain. He then placed his hands on Theo's shoulders and in an instant froze him solid, a moment later a familiar light appeared around Theo, and he vanished leaving behind an ice mold of him.

Ren struggled for a moment to get the knife out of his back, then applied healing magic to his injuries. "You good to keep moving?", Noir asked. "Yeah, I just need to ngh...", Ren could finish his sentence as he suddenly dropped to the ground. "Are you alright, what's wrong?", Noir asked. "Ngh, my head fells like its pounding.", Ren groaned trying to fight back the pain. "Good looks like my poison's starting to set in.", a mysterious feminine voice from behind a tree spoke. "Theo, you did your part, too bad you couldn't last another minute, but oh well." The pain in Ren started to get worse as the voice ringed in his head, "Wh-who's there? Show yourself!", he screamed. Out of the trees came a girl about Ren's age with long bright blue hair along with six other people. "I'm gonna make this quick give us the fairy and I'll give you the antidote.", the girl in front spoke. "N-never.", Ren replied trying to get to his feet while fighting back the pain. "Oh well, I wanted to avoid this, but we were given permission if needed. Everyone...kill him.", as she said a wicked smile that showed only malice crept across her face.

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