The Kings Deal

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Ren woke up to find himself once again in the bedroom in the capital of Qarus. As he looked around, he saw that his left arm was in a cast, "What happened?", he asked. A moment later he felt a sudden headache as memories of his fight rang in his head. He remembered fighting the Minotaur, using physical magic, getting sent flying, and the Minotaur about to attack Noir. Upon remembering that last part he looked around panicked and saw him on a pillow right next to him, he was unconscious but for the most part he seemed alright, Ren breathed a sigh of relief.

As Ren got on his feet, he stumbled a bit then fell to the ground. Ren then saw the door open as Claire this time without Celti, as she walked through, she saw that Ren has awoken quickly walked over to him and helped him to his feet. "Even a Minotaur can't keep you down for long I see.", Claire said, she then looked over at Noir then back at Ren and said, "Bring him along be sure not to wake him up, poor guy needs his rest." Ren looked at Noir agreed then carefully put him into the breast pocket of a coat on one of the hangers, the two of them walked out of the room and started walking down the hallway discussing what happened.

"Ren exactly how much do you remember from that trial?", Claire asked. "I remember the Minotaur, fighting back, and oh yeah...", he says holding up his broken arm, "getting beat up by that monster and breaking an arm!" Claire chuckled for a second then said, "Sorry about that I did all I could to heal most of your injuries and fix your leg, but your arm was too much at the time I'll be sure to fix it later, for now we have something to discuss. Back to the fight do you remember what happened next?" Ren thought for a minute then shook his head no. Claire continued, "Essentially after the monster sent you flying it turned its sights on Noir and before the monster killed him you were somehow able to use elemental magic to shield him even though you have already shown to use physical magic." As she said that the memories came back to Ren, "You mean that wasn't someone else, I was able to use two types of magic, is that even possible?", he asked. "Apparently so since you were able to pull it off. But I've never seen anything like this before it's... exciting.", as she said that a smile can be seen forming on her face as she licked her lips. "But regardless we have a meeting with a very important person to discuss you and your partner."

Ren and Claire arrived at a pair rather fancy looking pair of doors. As they walked through inside was a man sitting on a throne waiting for them. This man had a very aura about him that commanded respect from his stern expression to his rather fancy looking jacket. As Claire approached this man she knelt down before him. When Ren looked at this man sitting on the throne, he remembered seeing his face several times in papers, he's the newly appointed 25th King, Lord Tyrell Ismail, and immediately knelt down like Claire. "Your Majesty I have brought the boy as you requested.", Claire spoke. "Thank you and please there's no need to kneel we have much to discuss." Following his request Claire and Ren stood back up, while Claire was relaxed Ren was still nervous. The King got up from his seat and walked towards Ren and Claire, "It is very nice to finally meet you Ren I saw your trial against the minotaur you performed better than expected given your experience." As he says that he extends a hand to shake Claire's hand, "Really in just a few minutes you were able to learn how to use basic physical magic now that is a real talent." Claire interjected with an annoyed look on her face, "Sir for the last you really need to wear your glasses especially if I look like a guy from this close." Ren couldn't help but chuckle a bit which helped to ease the tension he was feeling. The king grabbed reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pair of glasses turned to face Ren then shook his hand. The glasses somehow made him look less intimidating like he faces problems like everyone else. The king continued to speak, "Sorry about I find that for some reason people take me less serious with them on." Claire then interjected, "Do they take you any less serious than being caught shaking the wrong persons hand? Besides I told you all that is just in your head, I for one think they make you look rather smart." The king continued, "Back to the topic at hand Ren could you please wake up your fairy." Ren pulled Noir out of his shirt pocket and nudged him awake. As Noir slowly woke up, he looked around confused by where he was, "What happened? Where are we?", Noir then turns his head to the king, "And who's the stiff in the glasses?" After hearing this Lord Tyrell retreated behind a pillar and mumbled to himself, "It was all in my head she said they make me look she said. Well, that fairy said I looked like a bug-eyed creep." Claire then goes over to the king and yells at him, "Sir you are a king how are you supposed to rule a kingdom if you start crying every time someone says something mean to you besides, he never said you were bug eyed." Lord Tyrell looked at her and said, "Yeah I guess your right alright let's continue." he then walks back over to Ren and Noir both with a slack-jawed expression on their faces. "Uh sorry about that man.", Noir said. "It's alright now back to what I wanted to talk to you about.", Lord Tyrell's expression became more serious, "Ren, Noir I would like both of you both to become knights in order to defend the kingdom."

Ren and Noir both were taken aback by this and stood silent with confused expressions. The king continued, "I know it's a lot to take in but as it stands you two have a rather special power, being able to use multiple types of magic is something the people of this kingdom has never seen before. So, I would like to have you become a part of my order of knights." Noir looked over at Ren then looked at the king then said, "I'm sorry your majesty but that's not what we want to do. Ren wants to travel and see the world and that's something I'd like to do as well." Claire looks at Ren and says, "While I respect your decision to see the world, I must ask you to reconsider.", she continues, "Our kingdom is under the threat of enemy forces and you will be very valuable in the ..." Lord Tyrell cut off Claire and spoke in a rather upset tone, "Claire we are not a dictatorship our citizens have the right to follow whatever path they want to. Having said that Ren, Noir how about I escort you to the border of the kingdom personally." Ren and Noir looked at each other then back at the King and said, "Are you serious?" The king continued, "Yes, I will escort you both and once I get back, I will write up the paperwork, normally you need a written document granting you permission to leave the kingdom which is a lengthy but as an apology for the trial I will allow you to skip this step all together. Although I do have one condition if at any point before you cross the border that you wish to return you will join the knights." Ren and Noir agreed and out of nowhere a red fairy appeared next to Lord Tyrell the fairy spoke, "Nice to meet you all I'm Treven alright let's get going." Treven started glowing red as Lord Tyrell started creating a magic circle beneath both him, Treven, Ren, and Noir in an instant they all vanished from the room.

Elsewhere in a valley all four of them suddenly appear out of nowhere. Ren and Noir are shocked as they looked around trying to figure out what just happened. Lord Tyrell then explained, "Treven uses miscellaneous magic which I used in order teleport great distances, but enough about that behold..." he motions his hand to the opposite direction Ren and Noir are facing, they turn around and see an amazing, beautiful valley stretched out before them. However, as Ren and Noir continued to look, they see a giant off in the distance fighting a colossal sized bird controlling lightning. Then out of nowhere a monster jumps out of the ground and eats both before being electrocuted by the bird. Ren and Noir have a horrified expression on their faces as the king continues, "The outside world is a place only the strongest can survive and I hate to say it but you two are nowhere near that. That minotaur you fought was an infant that was exiled from its pack because it was the weakest, which is why we use it for training. I'm afraid you both will die instantly if you go out there as is. But if you were to join my knights, we can train you two to be strong enough to survive out there. As you both get stronger you will get to go on missions and see parts of the world most people don't even know exist. Knowing all of this do you two still want to go out there now." Ren looked at Noir and said, "He makes a convincing argument, but I won't do it unless you want to as well." Noir looked at Ren, then the king, then to the valley filled with monsters that'll kill the both of them, Noir then said, "Alright you got yourself your majesty." Lord Tyrell was pleased by this and said, "Splendid tomorrow starts your training you two better get ready!" 

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