Chapter 6 - The Lost Assembly

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18th Day, 8th Month

With a spare shirt from the half-stocked wardrobe, a spray from a barely used bottle of some kind of citrusy scent found in the bathroom cabinet, and a comb ran swiftly through still-damp hair, Childe stands in front of the gold-framed mirror in the corner of the room, pulling and tugging at his jacket until it sits just right across his body.

He hasn't fussed this much since the first time Zhongli and he went to dinner, after that fateful day when Zhongli kissed him under the walkway. He'd furiously combed each unruly hair on his head until it submitted to his will, hoping that Zhongli might not see him as the wild Harbinger sent to spread chaos throughout his land, but as someone suitable to share the golden years of his life with.

That had been unusual in itself; although most days he is quite content to be seen as a warrior, a weapon, Her Majesty's Vanguard, that day, Childe had wanted to be seen as something else, something a little more human.

It's a notion that resurfaces as he folds Zhongli's coat over his arm and heads for the door. While he's prepared himself for the possibility that Zhongli won't recognise their relationship today, thoughts of their upcoming meeting make his palms sweat, hot flushes forming at the back of his neck.

One last glance at the mirror before he leaves, checking that everything is just so. His face stares back, a layer of sweat across his forehead and his ears already tinted pink. Ridiculous. He's acting like some schoolboy about to meet his crush, not a Harbinger about to save his long term boyfriend from a fate worse than death.

Zhongli. He's the important one here.

Whether Zhongli remembers their relationship or not, Childe has his ways; even before they were together, a request worded with a longing tone and widened eyes could always crumble Zhongli's resolve of stone.

One thing is certain: today, they are going to see the adepti.

*   *   *

Guili Plains.

The last time Childe passed through here, he was on his way to check on the progress of a Fatui unit that was researching the Sigils of Permission. Now, many months have passed and their old base is long gone. A small patch of yellowed grass is the final remnant of their activity here, alongside four shallow holes where their tent was secured to the ground.

He approaches a stone archway as tall as four men and crumbling at the sides. An ancient tower stands erect behind it, once keeping watch over the prosperous civilisation that lived here. It must have been glorious — the Lord of Geo and the Goddess of Dust, two titanic forces not clashing, but merging into a single divine force; a unified front with each acting as the other's right hand.

Their people would've climbed those steps to where the assembly sat, bowing before their two gods. Zhongli would've been a sight to behold, if the statues with Zhongli's delectable chest bared to the world are to be trusted.

It would be nice to see Zhongli dress like that more often.

Childe shakes the thought of Zhongli's jealousy-inducing abs from his mind (his own have never quite popped the way Zhongli's do), fanning his face with an arm of Zhongli's coat.

Now all that exists of those days is a few moss covered pillars and an infestation of treasure hoarders seeking to steal treasure never meant to be theirs. He ran into a few on the way here. They blocked the path, demanding to know his reason for passing through the area, but foolishly failed to demand his name before they set upon him. It had been a dull fight, an unimpressive performance for those eager to make their living from snatching goods from both living and dead alike.

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