Chapter 13 - Flounder as a Hero...

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25th Day, 8th Month

A stunned silence falls across the group, followed by an indignant squawk from Cloud Retainer. "Absolutely not. The combined efforts of the adepti and Liyue were scarcely enough to contain Osial after you, Human Childe, were the one to release havoc on the harbour the last time."

Childe shrugs. "Hey, it's what Rex Lapis wanted."

"Not that you were aware of such a matter at the time, this one hastens to add."

"Come on, we were past that, weren't we? Come on, tell me what you think. It'll work, I know it. We release Osial and—"

"Silence," booms Moon Carver. "We shall not be releasing the Lord of the Vortex on Liyue Harbor."

"In any case," says Cloud Retainer, "the Sigils of Permission carry vast reserves of adeptal energy. Bringing them within the vicinity of the harbour could cause a significant enough disturbance on the area's energy to alert Rex Lapis that plans are afoot."

"Uh, yeah, about that." Childe pauses as the gazes of the adepti narrow onto him, but he's committed now, so he might as well be honest. "I have some replicas the Fatui made. From the uh, first time."

Archons, that sounded bad.

The adepti fly into uproar—squawks, bellows, shouts—and Childe dodges as Madame Ping's cane comes flying past his head.


"An abomination!"

"Utter travesty!"

However, there is one of their number who remains quiet. Xiao leans against a pillar with his arms folded, sheltered from the chaos as he stares contemplatively into the distance. It's a small victory; perhaps there is an ally to be found here.

Childe holds up his hands in an attempt placate the raging zoo. "Hey, hey, it was just a suggestion. I have Rex Lapis' best interests at heart, after all. I don't know about you, my friends, but I'm willing to go to whatever lengths are needed to get him back."

"Agreed." Xiao steps forward. "We cannot leave Rex Lapis to fall to his inner demons; he would not abandon us, were he in our position."

Cloud Retainer nearly trips over a crack in the cobblestone as she baulks. "Conqueror of Demons, you agree with this Harbinger that we should set the Lord of the Vortex upon Liyue Harbour? Rex Lapis would not wish—"

"That is not what I said." Xiao says. "I agreed that we cannot leave matters as they are. The Harbinger has a point, as distastefully as he might have worded it."

With the severity of a Fontainian judge bringing down his gavel, Moon Carver clacks a hoof against the cobblestone. "Order, please. All this bickering is not conducive to restoring the memory of our Lord Rex Lapis. The adepti have a duty to protect Liyue Harbour. Sending a violent sea beast into its midst is not an action Rex Lapis would condone; he would sooner give his own life than see his people risk theirs for his sake. Human Childe's proposal is dismissed."

The adepti settle, throwing pointed glances at Childe. It's a harsh reminder of the day a member of the Qixing came to Northland Bank to deliver a Notice of Compensation, detailing the damages owed by the Fatui to the nation of Liyue. They'd given him the same look then, their opinions written in their wrinkled noses and disdainful scowls.

In their defence, they weren't aware of the scope of Her Majesty's plans. The same can't be said for these stubborn adepti, high on their lofty morals. He has the perfect plan to distract Zhongli, retrieve the Memory's Folly and save him from himself. But no, they have to play the heroes, flying high above the world on their cloud of moral righteousness.

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