032 - Like I Talk To Myself

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Talk To Myself - Nessa Barrett


Y/N's POV:

I slowly walk up onto the porch of the Chateau, trying not to trip over, only to be met with arguing.

Today's not the day for this.

"You know we were all extremely comfortable until you bought her" Kiara says pointing to someone.

As I make my presence known I see that she's talking about Sarah.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Sarah stands up for herself.

I mean slay I guess.

"Then leave" Kiara tells her.

Well obviously shits gone down and I've been too busy dealing with my own shit to participate.

Sarah's sitting on an armchair and John b's sitting on the arm of it.

Wait what's Sarah doing here?

Anyways, much like Sarah and JB, JJ's sitting on an armchair and Pope's sitting on the arm of it too.

I catch JJ's gaze and see him tilt his head and furrow his eyebrows.

'You okay?' He mouths.

I nod and take a seat one of the arms of his chair, he subtly rests his hand on my thigh.

Sarah scoffs and turns to JB, "I told you"

What the fuck happened?

"Told him what exactly? That you're a liar?" Kiara starts.


They're being petty.

"No, that you're a shit talking bitch" Sarah claps back.

Damn girl.

"Oh shit" Me and JJ say in unison

"When have I lied?"

As the two argue JJ and Pope take out cash from their pockets and place bets on who's going to win.


I don't like it when people fight.

It reminds me of Noah, and my parents.

Ugh fuck my life.

"My money's on Kie, but Princess if she decides to jump in" JJ says and hands Pope a few bills.

I roll my eyes.

"You get somebody close to you for like a month-"

"I didn't lie about shit!"

"Everybody shut up!" John b shouts making everyone go silent.

Thank god he did otherwise it was gonna be me and I would've used a whole bunch of other words.

I don't like the loud noises.

The boys beside me are still trading money so I take it out of their hands roughly and shove it in my pockets instead.

"Hey-" I cut JJ off by smacking him upside the head, causing him to groan in pain.

I scratch my arm as they continue to argue.

"Kie, you're my best friend, right? And Sarah you're-" JB pauses before he speaks.

Oh shit.

He fell for her.

I feel an arm grab my wrist and pull it away from scratching my arm.

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