Chapter Two: Snowball Fight and Hogwarts

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Something Different

Chapter Two: Snowball Fights and Hogwarts




I woke up the next morning feeling very happy. I had no idea why I was in such a good mood, but I was. I happily skipped to the kitchen and saw a note on the table informing me that my aunt and uncle were going to be out until dinner. I was fine with that and it was 9, so I decided to be a good cousin and make breakfast. I made some bacon, eggs, and hash-browns. I set three plates up and went to get dressed.

I changed into some light blue skinny jeans that had some white paint splatters on them. I had on a long sleeve white and silver top that fitted me well. I my hair was straight and down and I decided against make-up.

Going out I called Jamie and Sophie down and we all ate breakfast joking around. When we were done I cleared the table and washed the dishes.

"Are you guys ready for our epic snowball fight?" I asked while drying my hands.

"YEAH!" Said the two kids. I laughed and straightened my shirt out.

"Go get dressed and we can go now. Later on ill make some hot chocolate, okay?" They nodded excitedly and rushed to get dressed. I suddenly heard a thump and a cry. I came rushing out and saw Sophie on the staircase crying. I rushed over to her.

"Sophie what happened?" I asked.

"I fell..." She sniffed. I pulled her into a bear hug.

"Where does it hurt?"

"My knee..." I checked her knee and saw she got a little bruise. I carried her to the kitchen and put her on the countertop. I placed an ice pack on her knee.

"Feeling better snowflake?" I asked wiping a stray tear away from her cheek. She nodded. "Okay go get dressed."

I set her down from the countertop and she went to get ready. Jamie was already dressed with his boots on and everything. I laughed to myself as he rushed me to get my things on.

I put on my black winter coat and my brown Uggs. I put on a black beanie hat as well and Jamie rushed outside and jumped onto a white fluffy snowbank. I laughed and Sophie rushed past me. I quickly remembered my black gloves and put them on. Grinning, i made a perfectly round snowball and threw it at Jamie's back. I laughed and he turned around laughing. He picked up a snowball and a full out war started. Sophie and I were on one side of the lawn while Jamie was on the other.

"No fair! Two against one!" He called out from behind a snowman.

"Girls agains guys!" I called back. "Why don't you get your buddy 'Jack Frost' to come and help you!"

A snowball hit my side and I looked around to see no one. I suddenly ducked out of instinct and a snowball flew past me, where my face just was. I picked up a snowball and held it in my hands. I stayed quiet for a moment before throwing it and hitting Jamie again. He laughed and suddenly multiple snowballs started to come towards me. I ducked and ended up running over to Jamie. He was laughing and I picked him up, spinning him around in a circle as the snowballs stopped.

"You have a good throw!" I said impressed.

"That wasn't me, silly! That was Jack!" I rolled my eyes playfully and set him down.

"Well tell 'Jack' that he'll have to do better next time." I said winking at Jamie. Again as if my body reacted on its own I ducked and a snowball hit Jamie in the face. He glared behind me.

"Jack!" He said and paused for a moment. "I know you were aiming for her! Well you obviously need more practice of you can't hit her!......I thought you were the master at snowball fights? But it seems Mercedes beats you..."

His eyes widened and he rushed behind me. I was surprised but my back got hit with a snowball. I turned around to see no one, other than Sophie who was lying in the snow making a snow angel.

Jamie sneezed, "I think it's time to go in, right buddy?" I asked and he nodded. I called Sophie and we went inside.

I made some hot chocolate for the kids and went to grab my phone as they sat in the kitchen. Sophie was drawing and Jamie was talking to 'Jack' again. I laughed to myself and walked back into the kitchen and froze at the sight of someone who was sitting on the countertop.

He had snow white hair and was pale. He had stunning bright blue eyes and was smiling, showing his pure white teeth. He had a dark blue hoodie white frost on the edges of the hood, neckline, and sleeves. He had brown pants on that ripped at the calf and was held tight with some ribbon. He also had no shoes on and held some wooden stick...

I gasped and dropped phone making everyone's eyes turn to me.

"Y-you can see me?" The strange guy asked. He was crazy!

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" I demanded running over and standing in front of Jamie and Sophie. Jamie and the man laughed.

"Mercedes, there's no need to worry. That's Jack Frost!" He said smiling. I looked at him then back to Jack who merely smiled and waved. My mouth hung open slightly as I stood there like an idiot.

"You gotta be joking..." I said.

"Nope." 'Jack' said walking around, swinging his wooden stick back and forth then resting it on his shoulder. "I am Jack Frost. Guardian of Fun. It's nice to meet you..."

"Mercedes." I answer and he nodded smiling. "So you were actually real... This whole time."

"Yeah. So is Santa, the Easterbunny, Tooth fairy, Sandman... And so on."

There was a silent paused before I frowned and crossed my arms.

"So there can be Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but no Hogwarts and Dumbledore?!" I complained.


So that was chapter two, with the epic snowball fight.

So in this chapter, Mercedes is in a good mood. Sophie and Mercedes team up against Jamie in their own battle but Jack comes and helps Jamie out...

They go inside and Mercedes grabs her phone but drops it when she comes back in to see Jack.

Mercedes can see Jack now! :D yay!

Though she does complain about there not being Hogwarts and such.

I believe there is Hogwarts...

They just cover the real reality with the books and movies... O.o

Anyways, next chapter is going to be about Mercedes and Jack getting to know each other.

You'll get to know more about Mercedes and who she really is.

And in case you're wondering (probably not) I named the character after my sister because she has an awesome name.

Who doesn't want to have the same name as a car?!

Next chapter should be up whenever I stop being a lazy ass and work on it.

But I have a tournament on the weekend and I will be tired tomorrow and Friday after school, so we will see when I get to writing.

I'm also working on a Harry Potter story too, so I might write some of that. But also my best friend is telling me to write a zombie story but I can't manage three stories at once.

Alright this is long enough.

Ostriches are awesome.

Llamas are sexy.

Bye bye !

- Maddie :)

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