Chapter Three: Introductions

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Chapter Three : Introductions

"You're kidding me right?" I said. I mean, no this thing doesn't happen. These people aren't real! Right? Damn, next thing you know Odin will drop out of the sky.

"Nope." Jack said. I rolled my eyes.

"This is all one big dream. Ill wake up and you-" I pointed to Jack. "Won't be here."

"No I will be. Unless North calls me in for something then I really have to go."

"North?" I questioned.

"Santa." Jamie answered smirking. I merely rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone off the ground.

"Outside?" Sophie asked gazing up at me.

I shook my head. "No. Sorry hun but I don't want you out in the cold for too long. You'll catch a cold."

"But we weren't even out there for long!" Jamie complained. I rolled my eyes once more and sighed.

"Fine. But only for a bit." The two kids cheered and rushed to get their winter clothes back on. A cold gust of wind blew by me and I shivered. A voice from behind me made me jump.

"Are you coming outside as well?" Jack asked with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"I'll probably just stand there and freeze my ass off. I'm not in the mood for playing." I said. I looked up at him (he's much taller than me) and stuck out my hand. "Since this is a dream and I shall wake up soon, ill humor myself. I would like to formally introduce myself. My name is Mercedes."

Jack laughed and took my hand making it instantly cold.

"Jack Frost." He said and took my hand and kissed the back of it.

"Smooth." We laughed and walked out of the kitchen. I put on my boots, coat, scarf, and hat, and went outside.

Thankfully it was snowing softly and there wasn't much of a wind. I was happy with that and we all decided to go to the park. Jamie and Sophie walked in front of Jack and I.

"So how old are you?" I asked. " I always thought you'd be like a thousand years old and look that age."

Jack chuckled. "I'm 300 and something. I lost count after 250."

I whistled. "Damn you are old. You look so young though. Did you get plastic surgery?"

"Um.. No."


"But to explain why I'm like this is because i died like this and the man in the moon saved me. My body doesn't age. I guess I'm frozen like this - no pun intended." He explained.

"What was it like dying." I asked bluntly. I realized after it must've been hard for him and I covered my mouth. "I'm so sorry I hope I didn't make you upset or anything!"

"No, no. It's alright." We arrived at the park. "I just recently found out and it's kind of a long story. How about we sit down?"

"You don't have to tell me, you know." I said and he waved me off. We sat down on a bench while the two siblings started a snowball fight with their friends that were already at the park.

Jack the proceeded to tell me about how he died saving his sister, waking up and being alone for 300 years and being invisible. He told me about the guardians and how he met Jamie and finally about how he defeated Pitch Black - The Nightmare King.

"Whoa.." Was all I could really say.

"That's my story." He said with a small smile.

"Does... Does the Easter bunny really look like a kangaroo?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He chuckled and nodded.

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