Chapter Four: He's Back

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I woke up the next day fairly early. I had no idea why I was up so early but I decided to go with it.

I took a shower and got dressed into some warm black leggings, a long sleeve blue top and a pair of blue fuzzy socks. I straightened my hair and pulled it up into a high ponytail and wrapped a black scarf around my neck.

By then it was only 6:02am and i decided to let Jamie and Sophie sleep in. Tomorrow they would be going back to school anyways so they needed their rest. I wrote a note and stuck it on the table just in case Jamie woke up and wondered where I went. I put on my coat and boots and headed out to the nearest coffee shop.


It wasn't that chilly as it snowed lightly over the dimly lit city. It was still dark out and had that morning feel to it that I always loved. Wind blew slightly and ruffled some branches as I walked past trees. I saw a shadow fly past my right which made me turn around. Seeing nothing but an empty road, I turned back but was face to face with some creepy looking guy.

"AH!" I yelled jumping. He smiled and I stepped back. He wore a long black gown think and his skin was grey. He had yellow eyes and black hair. He was really creepy...

"Hello sweetheart." He said with a deep British voice. It reminded me of Tom Hiddleston's voice...

"Uh.. You're a little late for Halloween buddy..." I laughed nervously and reached for my phone.

"My favourite time of the year... So much fear. I love that you know." He said. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Pitch Black. The-"

"The boogeyman." I finished holding my phone tight. "I've heard about you."

"You must believe in me since you can see me... Talk to me..." He stepped closer to me. "And I can touch you." He grabbed my wrist in which my hand had my phone and twisted it so it fell to the snow and my face showed pain. He glared at me.

"Where is Jack Frost?!" He demanded.

"I-I don't know who you're talking about!" I lied. I bit my lip as he twisted my wrist more.

"Liar." He said. He let go of my wrist and disappeared. I held my left wrist and looked around. Without a second thought and went to turn back when an unknown force pulled me into the forest, dragging me on the snow. I kicked and yelled but it was no use. I stopped suddenly in an opening surrounded by trees. Pitch was in the centre and with a flick of his hand I was standing up and I unwillingly walked over to him. He grabbed my throat and pressed a sliver dagger up against it.

"Tell me where Jack Frost is or I'll slit your throat." He threatened.

"You called?" A familiar voice. A gust of wind blew me back.

He grinned. "Ah Sandman. Glad of you to join us. Unfortunately, you don't control this dream. I do." He looked at me and his eyes flashed black then went back to normal. I started to cough as black liquid like blood came out of my mouth. I choked on it having more and more pour out of my mouth. No air was getting to my lungs and I felt light headed.

"Mercedes you have to wake up. please!" Jack yelled. "Wake up and it'll all be over!"

I continued to choke when a warming sensation touched my throat. I looked up and saw a guy with black hair and red eyes. He put his hand on my throat and the air started to come into my lungs again. He smiled at me.

Everything went black.


I woke up with a gasp and shot up. I looked around and saw Jack sitting on the floor next to me and some little short golden dude. I started to have a coughing fit and I put my hand to my mouth. When I pulled it away the black liquid was there and my eyes widened. My eyes trailed down to my wrist and I saw a bruise there. I rushed to the bathroom ignoring Jack's calls and looked at myself. I was very pale and dark circles were starting to form under my eyes. Sweat coated my forehead and I washed the liquid off.

"Mercedes..?" Jack asked.

"What the hell was that?" I asked.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drag you into this." He said.

"That guy in my dream... He helped me when I was choking." I said going back to the living room. I grabbed a pen and paper as images started to flash in my mind. I had pain in my head and I tilted my head up. My body went numb as the dream replayed in my head. I closed my eyes.

"Mercedes?!" Jack yelled and he put a hand on my shoulder and I felt the cold touch. I looked at him with the pain gone and feeling in my body again. I dropped the pen and he picked up the paper. On the paper there was a perfectly drawn sketch of the guy who helped me.

"I don't know what just happened.." I said looking at my hands confused.

"He helped you?" Jack asked glaring at the paper.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"What's going on?" Jamie asked coming down the stairs with Sophie in hand.

"Pack your bags. Sophie's too." Jack ordered. He looked at me. "You as well. Pack for a week."

"What?! No! Their mother is going to be home in two days." I said.

"I'll make a blizzard delaying her flight a week or two. Now pack."

"What's going on?" Jamie asked.

"Pitch is back and targeting Mercedes. We need to bring you guys to the workshop for now. Now can you please pack?" The two kids ran upstairs to get ready. "Go change I'll pack your stuff."

"Uh no I can do that." I said. I quickly changed into black sweats, a tank too, a warm light green sweater and brushed out my hair. I quickly packed and soon we were ready to go.

"How are you getting us there? It'll take a couple trips." I said once everyone was ready.

"That's why I sent sandy to get bunny." He'll be taking you and the kids while I take the luggage." Jack explained.

"But how-AH!" I screamed as jamie, Sophie, and I were all dropped into a hole into the ground and sliding down a tunnel. We landed in some springy place that was beautiful and colourful.

"Ello there." I thick Australian accent said. We turned and I was face to face with a large bunny? I think. Jack was right though I could see a kangaroo in there.

"Uh hi. I'm Mercedes." I said giving him an awkward wave. His face fell slightly but he smiled afterwards.

"Bunnymund." He said.

"That's a mouthful." I said without thinking. "What about a nickname. You can call me Cedes and I'll call you... Bo."

"Deal." He grinned. We made out way to a passage and he tapped the ground where a giant hole appeared. "This will take you to North's place. Jamie knows where to go to find him."

I nodded and grabbed Jamie and Sophie's hand jumping into the hole. After a long but fast slide, we landed in what I guessed was the workshop.

"Whoa... You've gotta be kidding me..."


So long time no see...

I suck at updating regularly.

I'm sorry.

I also switched from an iPod to an iPhone so hopefully I can update more. No promises.

I'm working on a story with a friend and it's Avengers.

Until next time my zombie army!

Maddie (:

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