[14] - Beauty is Pain

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They said beauty is pain,
And to that I say, "why?"

Beauty is found in everyone, it's what makes humanity shine.
And to label it as painful,
It brings the question to my eyes.

If companies make things for all us,
And doesn't give us shame,
Then why do we torture ourselves for that little bit of fame?

And yes these companies are crooks, and they lie straight to our face;
But why give them the time of day,
And let them put a label on our waist?

I know it seems I've got no place in this to say;
But I've put myself through that pain,
And it doesn't go away.


We stop listening to corporations,
We stop listening to their lies.
Instead of labeling our waists,
Let's start focusing on the inside.

Because beauty isn't about clothes,
About price and weight,
It's about living life to the fullest,
And acceptance in that fate.

Yes I know I don't have a say in this,
And I know it's not my place,
But just try it for a day,
Live life with beauty and no pain.

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