two [back to work]

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It was only when Lydia pulled into Beacon Hills High School's car park, remnants of their breakfast sat in a paper bag on Aubrey's lap, smoothies in the cup holders, that Aubrey realised she had made a huge mistake by only hanging out with Lydia, Jackson and Danny during the seven weeks she'd been living in Beacon Hills. Sure, Lydia was good company when she was nice, Jackson was fun to taunt because he didn't quite grip her sense of humour, and Danny was the sweetest guy on the planet, but Aubrey didn't know anyone. She was a stranger to almost everyone at the school, and it was only when she realised this that she began to feel the nerves growing at the pit of her stomach.

Slurping the last remains of her smoothie, she checked and re-checked her reflection in the rear-view mirror, ignoring Lydia's outcry of 'hey, I was using that!' as she did so. She looked nothing like herself - made up, girly, and extremely nervous. It was showing on her face, and that was never a good sign.

"Can't I just stay in here all day?" she moaned, turning to face Lydia, who was checking her lipstick in the mirror, clearly unaware of the minor panic attack that Aubrey was having. "I'll set up a live webcam so that I can learn without talking to other human beings."

Lydia gave her a bemused look, smacking her lips together as she placed the top carefully back onto her lipstick. "But then how will you blossom into a social butterfly? It's time to come out of the cocoon, Aubrey."

"Nice metaphor," Aubrey observed, ignoring Lydia's comment. She didn't want to blossom into a social butterfly. She wanted to run home, scrub off the makeup and throw her hair up, and change into her pyjamas and burrow into her bed, not surfacing for the next year or so.

Lydia rolled her eyes as a silver Porsche pulled up next to her car, barely missing the guy stood with his bike on the sidewalk in front of the parking space. Aubrey flinched with sympathy for the guy as Jackson got out of the car, saying something that looked an awful lot like, "watch the paint job."

It was Aubrey's turn to roll her eyes; Jackson Whittemore was the epitome of spoilt brattiness and egoistic dumbass wrapped up in one. He was like a fuckboy burrito. Aubrey and Jackson had already had their fair share of arguments and bickering - mainly due to Jackson's stupidity and Aubrey's stubbornness - but she refused to go anywhere without Lydia, so she had to put up with Jackson, too.

Lydia got out of the car and Aubrey turned her eyes away from the two as they started eagerly making out, leaning against Lydia's little car. "Disgusting," she muttered, checking her phone for messages and grinning when she saw four new ones.

Noah good luck at school today, takeaway pizza for dinner tonight !! make some friends :)

Dad hey sweetie, sorry I can't be with you right now. Good luck with starting school, work hard and keep your good grades up. I love you x

Will Jade isn't nearly as cool as you. Miss you loads bree, hope everything goes well today! keep us updated <3

Ezra love you to the moon and back b, you can do it!!! hope you make some friends that are almost as cool as me n will xx

While the texts from Noah, Will and Ezra made her feel slightly better about herself, the text from her father made her feel two very conflicting emotions at once. Part of her was overjoyed that her father had actually managed to text her, but part of her was upset that he wasn't with her, and still had the nerve to text after all the time she'd spent without him.

Sighing, Aubrey got out of the car and walked round to where Lydia and Jackson were still glued by the lips. She cleared her throat loudly, and announced, "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I'd quite like to get into school now!"

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