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Paintbrush POV:

In OJ's hotel, I sit alone in the corner thinking about....stuff. "What's wrong?" Test tube asks. "N-Nothing!" I stutter. Test tube rolls her eyes at me. "Oh c'mon. I know something's bothering you." Dang it. "Fine, maybe I'm just... not having a good day for once!" I retort. Test tube chuckles. "For once?" She laughs. I punch  her in the arm. 

        I sigh. "Maybe.." i mutter. "Hmm? What was that?" Test tube asks smugly. "Maybe....." I repeated. "I can't heeeearr youuuuuuu!" Test tube mocks. "MAYBE I MISS LIGHTBULB!" I yell. "What? You liiiiiiiiike her?" Test tube pokes. My bristles burn. "No!" I shout. "She's just a friend!".   "Okay, In - denial," She pouts. "Ugh,"  I mumble. "Look, all I'm saying is-" Test tube begins. Suddenly i just really feel like I need to step out. "Can we just not talk about this right now?" I yell as I storm out. Fan walks in sipping a smoothie.                                                                                                                                                              "What's THEY'RE problem?" Fan asks as I push through him.

         I run outside to get some fresh air. I gazed at the clouds, trying to collect myself. Suddenly, a portal opened up. Someone must've gotten eliminated. "Am I in heaven or something?" I heard a familiar   voice say. Shoot. Why today? I couldn't let her see me. I quickly got up to my feet and ran to got to my room. "Where's painty?" I heard outside my door. "Oh, they're in here," i heard OJ respond. I heard my doorknob jiggle. I leaped onto my bed and grabbed the nearest book and pretended to read it. The door slammed open. "PAINTY!" Lightbulb exclaimed. "Lightbulb!" I responded happily. Lightbulb flopped onto my bed, giggling. So cute. Wait, what? "I missed you!" Lightbulb exclaimed while scooting closer to me. I felt my bristles burn. I quickly pushed her away. I didn't want her to get too close to me. Lightbulb gave me a confused and hurt look. I had to say something. "I... have a cold! Wouldn't want you to get sick too!" I lied. Her smile quickly came back. "Oh ok!" She smiled. "I'm already sick, or at least that's what everyone else says," i heard her murmur  to herself. "What?" I asked. She quickly changed the subject. "C'mon, let's go get some food! I'm starving!" She said, pulling me out the room. I guess I shouldn't overlook it. 

Kinda trash but 401 words yay

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