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I was on my phone, scrolling. I needed a good distraction. I was on instagram, when i saw this post. It was a photo of lightbulb in her eyepatch that she wore for a while with a caption above it that said "when BB is so dumb she has to imitate pirates to gain a braincell". "Who would do this...?" I mumbled to myself. "Do what?" Fan asked. "Nothing," i lied. I went to the account, and found a BUNCH of mean things about lightbulb. And in every one they refer to her as BB. Who was this sick person who hated lightbulb THAT much? Maybe Test tube could analyze the account?? Is this why lightbulb been acting weird?? Maybe I was overthinking again. Maybe I should just go take a walk.

I took a nice walk outside. I shivered as a breeze blew by. It's colder than I thought. Suddenly, someone from behind put a nice fluffy jacket on me. I whipped around, worried about who it was. It was lightbulb. Whew. "Don't scare me like that," i sigh. "But you looked cold!" She laughs. "Where'd you go? At the restaurant?" I ask. She looks nervous and twiddles her thumbs(HA MORE LIKE NUBS) "oh! It was chilly so I, um, went home! Sorry!" She replies. "Lightbulb, it was like, 67 degrees yesterday," i say, raising in eyebrow. "Oh! G-Guess the air-conditioning was on!" She laughs nervously. I'm a little suspicious, but don't question her any further. "Wanna go the park?" I offer. She suddenly looks really worried, as if she's avoiding something at the park. "Sorry, we don't have to go!" I apologize. "No, no, i'd love to go!" She says with a fake smile.

We sit on a park bench. "Sorry it's a bit windy," I apologize. "No worries! I love wind!" She says with a bright smile. That smile always makes me smile too. We sat in silence for a bit. "Y'know, i love spring," Lightbulb declares happily. "It can be hot, but also cold. Sunny, but also cloudy. Rainy, but also beautiful. It's Weird," Lightbulb says. "Like me." She whispers to herself with a sad smile. "Huh?" I ask. "Nothing! Just that I love spring a lot!" She says turning back to me with a smile. She brings out a phone with earbuds. "Wanna listen?" She says holding up an earbud. "N-No, I'm go-". She sticks it in my ear. We sit their for a while, listening to lightbulb's playlist. I noticed that there were a lot of... sad songs. As she fell asleep on the bench, i looked at her phone to see her playlist. There were confidence playlists, sad song playlists, and this one playlist called rage. Why does Lightbulb, the sweetest person on earth, have a playlist called rage? Did something happen that made her mad? I clicked the rage playlist to see what songs were on it. But when I clicked it, The songs played. Loud swearing rock songs poured through the buds. I quickly turned it off. I was afraid it would wake up Lightbulb, but she was still sound asleep. I figured sad songs isn't the kind of music to fall asleep to, so i put on the confidence playlist. As the first song played, I saw lightbulb give a little smile in her sleep. Suddenly she fell on top of me "L-Lightbulb wake up...." I said embarrassed, giving her a small shove. But that just made her fall on my lap. I felt my bristles burn. I guess I have to carry her.

Lightbulb was actually pretty light. Heh. People stared as I carried her down the street. Having her in my hands was embarrassing, but also kind of.... Nice? Wait, do I like lightbulb?? Ugh, I'm so tired. As we got back to the hotel, I put lightbulb in her bed and tucked her in like a child. I turned her light off, and stared at how adorable she was. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and slowly closed the door.

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Author's note: Lightbulb was never actually asleep. Just something to think about ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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