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Firey's cousins real!?!??!?!😱😱😱😱

"Paintbrush? Wake up, silly!" I hear a sweet voice whisper. "What time is it, Lightbulb?" I mumble tiredly. "It doesn't matter, C'mon!" She giggles as she yanks me out of bed. "Well, GOOD MORNING, SUNSHINES," Fan growls annoyed, pointing at his phone that reads 5:03. "Shut up Fan, you need to stop being lazy and wake up anyway," Lightbulb replied, sticking her tongue out.

Me and Lightbulb burst out the door, no longer able to contain our laughter. We flop on the soft, dewy grass. "It hasn't rained in a bit, and Oj never remembers to water the grass," I say, some leftover giggles spilling out. "This is paper's doing, no way Oj would remember on a random Tuesday," Lightbulb giggles back, clenching her stomach to stop the pain. "Hey, isn't it the 4th of July today?" I ask. "Heehee, of course it is! It's July 4th, is it not?" She laughs, grinning at me. "Hey, stop. You're not allowed to be smug." I say, hiding my face behind my hands.                                 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈                                                           

"Paintbrush, look! This is what i've been waiting for!" Lightbulb squeals happily, removing my hands from my face. I turn my head and look at the sunrise. We cuddle as we silently admire the glistening sky. "Wow, that was glamorous." I say after the sun stops moving to glow for a moment. "I know, it was so bright and beautiful." Lightbulb replies smiling widely. "Nice vocabulary," I smirk. "Thank you, burning bristles," she pokes. "Your welcome, blinding bulb," i poke back.

"Did you just-"

"Yes, i did."

"Hey guys, what are you doing out here?" Oj asks, poking his head through the door. "We were just watching the sunset," Lightbulb shouts back. Lightbulb and i stand up and make our way to the door to re-enter the hotel.

"Happy 4th of July!" Test Tube warmly welcomes us as we walk in. "This day was basically dedicated to me," Fan says, spinning around to show us his red-ness. "Hey, us four should go on a picnic together!" Lightbulb happily exclaims, pointing at Test tube, Fan, and I. "Oh sure, because we DEFINITELY don't wanna tag along. You guys have fun," Oj remarks, rolling his eyes. "Great, thanks Oj!" Lightbulb replies, rushing us out the door, ignoring Oj's sarcasm.

"Ahh, it's so nice out," Fan sighed, sitting on the picnic blanket. "There are pcnc  benches right over there, why don't we go sit on those?" Test tube asks.

(I'm tired of writing picnic so i'm writing pcnc)

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?" I reply, touching the soft grass. Lightbulb pulls out a pcnc basket and starts handing us all messy looking sandwiches. "Here guys, i made them myself!" She offers, slightly blushing. I get a bit nervous, but i don't wanna disappoint her. I take a big bite and swallow, shutting my eyes tight, bracing myself for the taste. I open up my eyes to notice that it's actually delicious. "Wow, this is really good!" I gasp, taking another bite. Fan and Test Tube start digging into their sandwiches, and Lightbulb excitedly squeals. "What kind is this?" Test Tube asks, with a mouth full of sandwich. "Cheese and Jam," Lightbulb replies happily. "I'm a peanut butter and banana guy myself, but this is amazing!" Fan cheers happily.

(Definitely not a Bluey reference)

Lightbulb puts the pcnc basket away and stands up. "Let's go play and just be kids again!" "Great idea!" Test Tube says, springing up and rolling down the grassy green hill. (They're around 17 at this time)

Fan and I both stand up and start rolling down the hill behind Test Tube. "I'm not letting you beat me, Tube!" Lightbulb yells, gaining speed. We all tumble down the hill and flop on the flat ground, giggling until our sides hurt. "What are you guys doing?" Knife asks, sounding annoyed(as always). "SHUT UP KNIFE WE WERE HAVING A MOMENT," Fan yells, aggravated. Knife just rolls his eyes and walks away. "Someone's triggered today," I chuckle, looking at Fan's upset expression. "I don't like that guy," Fan grumbles. "Don't let a spoiled lemon ruin a sweet time, Fan," Test Tube says, kissing him on the cheek. That makes him slightly smile. "Haha, Spoiled lemon! Get it?" Cheesy says with a knee slap. "Not now Cheesy," i reply, Lightbulb and I snickering. 

We were out there for hours, just playing, chatting, eating and more. Suddenly, the fireworks started. "Wow," I mutter, amazed by the light. "Those Fireworks must be burning  to be able to be that bright," Lightbulb says, winking at me. "Hahaha! Get it? Cause the book's called Burning Bristles, and they were on the bright lights?" Cheesy says, knee-slapping again. "Where do you keep coming from?" I ask him, concerned. "Oh Paintbrush, that's secret information. If i told you, I'd have to kill you," Cheesy chuckles with a smile, waving his finger at me.

"Hey look, fireworks!" I hear paper say from inside. Suddenly, everyone bursts out the hotel and excitedly stares at the fireworks. "Quick, we have to kiss during the fireworks, like in the movies!" Lightbulb exclaims with a big smile, pulling me in for a warm kiss.

"Wait, what book?" Asks fan

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