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This is what I woke up to at 6:00 in the morning. My first reaction was to get up immediately.  But then I noticed a familiar tone. It was full of excitement that sounded nearly impossible to contain. Fan shoots up in his bed. "W-What's wrong??" He asks, shaken. "It's just Lightbulb," I reply, easing him. "Oh," he sighs, plummeting back down in his bed. A loud "thud," echoed, along with the sound of something ripping.  "What was that?" Fan asks, worried. "I think you broke your bed," I giggle, using every ounce of my strength to hold in my laughter. A huge spring is poking through the mattress.   "WHAT PART OF 'IT'S AN EMERGENCY' DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND??" Lightbulb screams down the hall. "Ugh, we should probably go," i sigh. "Yeah," Fan replies as we walk out the room.

Everyone gathers in the kitchen. "Ugh, what is it now? I was eating my cacao nibs," Trophy mumbles, crunching on cacao nibs from a jar. Lightbulb smacked the jar out of Trophy's hands causing it to shatter and spill all over the floor. "NOOOO, I WAS GONNA EAT THOSE!" Trophy cries, pounding on the ground. "Ow! Stop hitting me!" Someone says from below. We look down in shock, but didn't see anything. Everyone goes silent, processing what just happened. Suddenly, Soap walks into the room. "NOOOOO! I JUST CLEANED THE FLOOR LAST NIGHT," she cries, eyeing the shattered jar, breaking the silence. Lightbulb clears her throat. "Anyway, I called you all here for a very important reason. I wanna go rollerskating!" Lightbulb exclaims. "Really? That's the reason you woke us up at 9:00 on a Saturday?" Knife groans. "Wasn't it 6:00 a moment ago..?" I ask. "Rollerskating sounds fun! Let's go!" Fan exclaims, interrupting me. "Wait. Doesn't it open at 12:00?" Nickel asks. "Oh right," Fan says.

After waiting for FOREVER, we finally headed out and arrived. "Wow, it's packed. Didn't it just open 10 minutes ago?" Pickle says. We get our tickets and go to get our skates. "One pair of rollerblades, size 11, and one pair of roller skates, size 9," I order, roller skates for Lightbulb and rollerblades for me. "Painty, Painty! I want rollerblades too!" She whines, like a little kid. "Fine,  make that two rollerblades, one size 11 and the other 9," I sigh, reordering. After Lightbulb and I step onto the floor, she immediately falls. "L-Lightbulb, are you okay??" I ask her, helping her up. "What's wrong, trouble in paradise?" Test tube sneers, skating by with Fan. "Sh-Shut up Testy! I'll be just fine!" Lightbulb shouts. She wobbles back up, only to follow immediately back down. "Hold on to the wall," I tell her, to which she grabs it and pulls herself to it. "Maybe we should get you roller skates," I suggest. "No! I have to show Test tube I can do it, just like her!" Lightbulb shouts. I blush, wondering where she gets this stubbornness. I extend my arm. "Here, I'll hold your hand so you don't fall," I tell her, looking away. "Oh, tsundere, are we?~" she says flirtatiously. "Sh-Shut up and just hold my hand!" I yell.

~tImE sKiP~

"I think I get it now," Lightbulb exclaims, letting go of my hand, skating around. "Look Test tube! I can blade now!" Lightbulb shouts across the rink. "Great job, Lighty!" Test tube shouts back, smiling. Lightbulb grabs my hand and snuggles me. Some people are still staring, but I don't care this time. I love her. No one can change that. Suddenly, Butch 4 Butch comes on the speaker. "OMGA I LOVE THIS SONG," Lightbulb exclaims, starting to sing and dance to it. I laugh, admiring how cute she is. I sing and dance with her. All of us start to dance with each other. Well, Trophy's only dancing to make Cheesy happy. As more songs come on, we all start to loosen up. "I'M TAKING BACK THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST! CAUSE SIX, IS NOT A PRETTY NUMBER," The speaker plays. We all dance and laugh, like we're all kids again.  I don't think we've felt this happy since before the competition.

We all decide to take a break and eat some food. As we chow down on pizza and hot wings, we all talk about our favorite songs. "I kind of like, 'Ruler Of Everything' by Tally Hall," Paper says shyly. "I like to listen to, 'Mary On a Cross' by Ghost!" Oj beams. "I love 'Rude' by Magic!" Fan exclaims. "I love 'Girlfriend' by Hemlocke Springs," Test tube exclaims. "The heck is that? Sounds  like trash," Lightbulb says bluntly. "NO IT'S GOOD GO LOOK IT UP :(," Test tube cries. "Hey guys, they have video games here!" Oj exclaims, pointing at an arcade. We all decide to play a two player game on teams. I was on red, Lightbulb was on blue. The plan was when one of us would die, the next team member would play. If all the other teams players have died, your team wins. "Wait! Before we start, I don't have a coin. Can I borrow one, Pickle?" Fan asks. "Ugh, I'm tired of lending you gaming money," Pickle groans, handing over a coin. We start to play. 5 minutes in, one member from our team dies. They quickly go to the back on the line and the next team member enter their coin to revive their player. One dies on the other team. Another on the other team. One on our team. One on the other team. One on our team. Another on our team. Another on our team. In the blink of an eye, I'm the last player on our team left. One on the other team. Okay, that's good. Another on the other team. Yes! I got this. Just one more. SOMEHOW, the other team's attack misses. I decide to use my special combo move. And just like that, our team won. "PAINTBRUSH! PAINTBRUSH!" My team cheers. "Nice job, Painty!" Lightbulb exclaims with a bright smile on her face. I smile back.

As we return to the hotel, we are all exhausted. "Whew, that was fun," Test tube says, collapsing on the couch. "I wish I could stay with Painty," Lightbulb sighs. "Y'know Fan, we could switch beds for tonight. I'll sleep with Lightbulb and you sleep with Test tube," I offer. "Yay!" Lightbulb exclaims, hugging me. "OH MY GOSH YES," Test tube exclaims, running to our room and flopping on the bed. THUD! "Owww," Test tube whines from the bedroom.

"Oh right, the bed is broken."

1104 words 👏👏👏 hello mortals i am alive 💅 i will try to update more so yay bye 

Also PLEASE GO LISTEN TO "GIRLFRIEND" BY HELMLOCKE SPRINGS IT'S GOOD I PROMISE (jk you don't have to) (also it's okay if you don't like it)

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