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The doctor told me he found cuts on sky's body. That reminded me of the day I saw them. The doctor asked me if anyone caused him the cuts or he was depressed too much for self harm. I told the doctor that I knew nothing about this so the doctor asked me to admit him in the hospital for a week. I was fine with it because I could atleast have some time spent with my cutie. I paid off for the bills and relative clearance and dashed off to meet my cutie who I had informed on the way to my room.


I heard everything what the doctor said to Prapai. I was suddenly afraid by the thought of he asking me what happened. My anxiety rose in such a way that the next thing I know was passing out.

An hour later .......

Sky was suffering and only he knew how much. He was not ready to admit that he had fallen in love with Prapai. The same Prapai who is a beast to him. Prapai had already made plans. He planned on asking the guy, Nin. He wanted to have Nin as his future partner because not only was Nin cuter but he was also submissive in bed. The only thing he couldn't do was the cooking. So Prapai had already planned to make sky's life a little more miserable.


Does it get better ? My body hurts but most importantly my heart hurts. I was told that Prapai had left already leaving me alone here. Now that I feel it I'm actually a burden I'm so stupid that made some hate me. If I would just disappear will anyone care for me ? It just hurts so much in my heart.


I looked at Nin as he was sleeping. Nin I don't even know how much I'm in love with you. Don't worry just a week more and then I'll ask you out. Before that I just need to finish some work. I just moved out to see Sky. It was quite questioning about what was I doing ? Meet Sky? The guy who once ruined my life? The guy who made me someone who I did not want to become? I reached his room. He was lying down. Guess he is asleep. I just entered the room and he woke up looking at me as if I was unexpectedly invited.

PRAPAI: suprised to see me here ?
SKY: n-no it's not like that .
PRAPAI: just lay back the fever hasn't reduced and your face looks like you've seen a ghost.

Sky just looked down but something in me made me gently caress his check. I lifted my hand to his cheek slowly caressing it. He looked like he would break any moment.

PRAPAI: what happened to hands. Don't you dare lie to me or else I'll take you down right here.
SKY: self harm.

That was it. He said it and he broke down. He did not say anything nor did I have the courage to ask him anything after that.

             || The end ||

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