💜 Chapter - 5 💜

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Ahhhh finally we get home and after bidding goodbye to everyone and get out of the car we make our way towards our house

Kirti : " Oh my god it was such a great night I love it "

Y/n : " yes you right it was so much fun "

( Ring ) ( Ring )

After ringing the bell I hear footsteps coming towards  the door and saw mom opening the door

Kirti : " We are back and look we didn't broke any rules and we are even home at time its 9: 45 right now"

Mrs Singh : " Ya ya girls it's good and I am happy that you both didn't break any rules good girls btw how was the night did you both enjoyed "

Kirti : " Oh mom don't even ask -- "

Mrs Singh : " Ok I will not ask "

As she said I start laughing my ass out

Kirti : " Mom I am requesting you stop spending much time with y/n you are becoming like her "

Mrs Singh : " Oh dear I was just joking ok tell me what happen "

Kirti : " we had a ton of fun we dance so much until our feet hurts and then we cut the Birthday cake and have alot of fun after that "

Mrs Singh : " Really that sounds amazing but you both didn't create any problems right "

I didn't tell mom or kirti about the club incident since they kinda get scared about these things and become extra protective I am kinda fearless side so that's fine and it's not my first time hiding somthing from my parents or sister I got secrets that no body knows except me

Like my interest in mafia stuff or in polyamory relationships or how dirty minded I actually are obviously I am an army that also a hard ot7 stan so you can imagine

( Author : " I got Secrets that nobody nobody nobody knows ....... [ clear throats ] sorry let's get back to the story " )

Kirti : " No mom we oh I am sorry I mean y/n didn't create any problems "

Y/n : " Excuse me miss what do you mean by I didn't create any problems you are talking like I always create problems "

Kirti : " Look whose talking you do always create problems ......... miss "

Y/n : " and can you tell me when do I create problems "

I ask her while folding my hands on my chest 

Kirti : " Ohh really were should I start from my not so innocent sis you are talking like you never beat tons of boys and girls in your life "

Mrs Singh : " Yes kirti is right remember before shifting there was not a single day that not someone's parents came home and say that you daughter beat our kids and no matter how old the kid was she always beat the shit out of them I wonder somtimes where she got her anger issues from she is no less now "

Kirti : "  Yaa and do you remember when you see her fighting first time in bus on our last day of eleventh grade you were so dumbfounded and shock after seeing her like that "

Mrs Singh : " Ofcourse how can I even forget that day I was super excited to come pick you both up and suprise you but instead I got shock after seeing how badly she was beating that boy that even bus driver was scared to stop her the face of everyone was hilarious "

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