💜Chapter- 8💜

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Jhope POV

The whole concert we all were eyeing
y/n she was looking beautiful and when she was smiling and enjoying the concert which make us happy the concert is about to end and we went back stage to change for our last dance


Ashi : " OMG y/n look how bts is eyeing you at the whole concert it's actually obvious too you are super beautiful anyone's eyes will be stuck on you "

Y/n : " Stop it ashi you are making me shy I seriously can't believe that how I am still alive till now 😳"

Ashi : " Ohhh look someones blushing "

Y/n : " stop it look the last performance is starting I don't want this to end but I can't wait to go to the fanmeet tomorrow either "

With that bts again come to the stage to perform there last performance and I am feeling little sad I don't want this to end after the performance was done joonie held a mic and said

Namjoon : " it was so much fun too finally abel too performe in india and we are so much happy to get so much love from all of you now we have to go we all love you meet you all at the fanmeet tomorrow bye guys "

After he said that I feel my tears roll down my cheeks and my eyes started becoming watery but I can meet them in the fanmeet and backstage too so I quickly wipe my tears and start chanting

Third Person POV

Bts noticed that y/n was crying they felt bad and felt their heart breaking but they can't do any thing but after
They noticed that she wiped her tears and be happy again they also become happy cause they are going to meet her tomorrow

Little Time Skip After The Concert


Staff : " Thanks for waiting miss here is your lucky draw ticket of fanmeet and you will get chance to meet bts backstage after the fanmeet and you can spend the rest of time of bts in india with them okay "

Y/n : " Okay thank you "

After I got home I ring the bell and kirti came to open the door

Kirti : " You finally here go freshn up we are about to eat dinner and I want to know how your experience was come fast 😁 "

Y/n : " Sure I have many to tell "

Kirti : " Looks like you have a good news huh what is it why so excited "

Y/n : " Good new it's a jackpot I will fastly come after freshen up and I want to tell everyone something ok "

After freshen up I fastly went to dinning table to have dinner since I am starving after the concert

Mrs Singh : " How was the concert y/n "

Kirti : " yeah how was the concert you know mom when I went to open the door she was literally jumping from happyness and she said she want to tell us something so now without wasting time say it fast "

Y/n : " Ok ok so here it is I was gone to venue there I met this girl name ashi she was so sweet and she always also alone and I was too so we decided to go together "

Y/n : " And after that we start getting our tickets scan ashi didn't win but when my ticket got scan I .......................
Won the lucky draw ahhhhhhhh "

𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 { BTS FF } 🧿Where stories live. Discover now